Section 1 : Course Overview, Software (SAS University Edition) set up & Course materials

Lecture 1 Course Overview 00:03:33 Duration
Lecture 2 File pathdirectory in SAS studio 00:04:25 Duration

Section 2 : An Introduction to SAS

Lecture 1 SAS Introduction 00:05:53 Duration

Section 3 : Get Data into SAS create temporary & permanent SAS data

Lecture 1 Read data delimited by blanks ( 00:08:15 Duration
Lecture 2 Read data delimited by commas (
Lecture 3 Read data delimited by any delimiters using list input 00:08:51 Duration
Lecture 4 Read data in fixed columns using column input 00:05:59 Duration
Lecture 5 Read data using formatted input including using SAS informat to read dates 00:08:29 Duration
Lecture 6 Read data using formatted input use SAS format to display SAS date values 00:08:38 Duration
Lecture 7 Create internal SAS data using DATALINES statement 00:03:00 Duration
Lecture 8 LIBNAME statement assign library names and create permanent SAS data sets 00:10:47 Duration
Lecture 9 Proc Import Import Excel data file into SAS 00:17:39 Duration
Lecture 10 Coding Exercise 1
Lecture 11 Coding Exercise 1 Solution
Lecture 12 Coding Exercise 2
Lecture 13 Coding Exercise 2 Solution

Section 4 : Work with data

Lecture 1 Use ASSIGNMENT statements in DATA step & use SET statement to create a SAS data 00:06:59 Duration
Lecture 2 SAS functions overview 00:10:25 Duration
Lecture 3 Conditionally execute SAS statements IF-THENELSE, DO and END statements
Lecture 4 Conditionally execute SAS statements IF-THENELSE, DO and END statement (Cont 00:13:59 Duration
Lecture 5 Subset your Data using subsetting IF statement and DELETE statement 00:08:35 Duration
Lecture 6 Creating One-Dimensional Arrays 00:14:44 Duration
Lecture 7 Coding Exercise
Lecture 8 Coding Exercise Solution

Section 5 : Creating labels and formats

Lecture 1 Use LABEL statement to add Labels to Variables in a DATA step 00:07:39 Duration
Lecture 2 Use FORMAT statement to assign Formats to Variables SAS Built-in Formats 00:13:12 Duration
Lecture 3 Create your User-Defined FORMATS 00:12:52 Duration
Lecture 4 Storing and Referencingusing your User-Defined FORMATS 00:15:52 Duration
Lecture 5 Define the length of a variable using the LENGTH statement 00:07:46 Duration
Lecture 7 Coding Exercise 1
Lecture 8 Coding Exercise 1 Solution
Lecture 9 Coding Exercise 2
Lecture 10 Coding Exercise 2 Solution

Section 6 : Use SAS Functions to manipulate character and numeric data values

Lecture 1 Convert Character & Numeric Value Auto convert, explicitly PUT & INPUT function 00:17:38 Duration
Lecture 2 SCAN function Separate a character value and obtain a specified wordstring 00:07:11 Duration
Lecture 3 SUBSTR function Extract and replace a portion of a character value 00:10:00 Duration
Lecture 4 TRIM and CATX functions Concatenate character values
Lecture 5 INDEX function Search a character value for a specified string 00:09:24 Duration
Lecture 6 UPCASE, LOWCASE and PROPCASE functions Change the case of characters 00:05:53 Duration
Lecture 7 TRANWRD function Replaceremove characters within a character string 00:06:22 Duration
Lecture 8 INT and ROUND functions Modifying Numeric Values 00:06:27 Duration
Lecture 9 Coding Exercise
Lecture 10 Coding Exercise Solution

Section 7 : Use SAS Functions to manipulate SAS date values

Lecture 1 Explanation on how SAS stores date and time values; Usage of MDY function 00:11:16 Duration
Lecture 2 YEAR, QTR, MONTH, DAY, WEEKDAY Functions Extract yearquartermonthday values 00:11:52 Duration
Lecture 3 TODAY, DATE, INTCK functions get current date value & number of time interval 00:07:52 Duration
Lecture 4 DATDIF, YRDIF function Calculate difference in days and years between two dates 00:11:28 Duration
Lecture 5 Coding Exercise
Lecture 6 Coding Exercise Solution

Section 8 : Process data using DO LOOPS

Lecture 1 Constructing DO loops part 1 00:09:54 Duration
Lecture 2 Constructing DO loops part 2 00:09:33 Duration
Lecture 3 Conditionally Executing DO Loops using DO UNTIL and DO WHILE 00:06:50 Duration
Lecture 4 Using Conditional Clauses with the Iterative DO Statement 00:06:30 Duration
Lecture 5 Coding Exercise
Lecture 6 Coding Exercise Solution

Section 9 : More on ARRAYS

Lecture 1 Creating Variables in an ARRAY Statement 00:07:32 Duration
Lecture 2 Assigning Initial Values to Arrays & Creating Temporary Array Elements 00:13:22 Duration
Lecture 3 Two dimensional array 00:08:39 Duration
Lecture 4 Coding Exercise 1
Lecture 5 Coding Exercise 1 Solution
Lecture 6 Coding Exercise 2
Lecture 7 Coding Exercise 2 Solution

Section 10 : Combine SAS data sets

Lecture 1 One-to-One Merging 00:08:27 Duration
Lecture 2 Concatenating 00:08:59 Duration
Lecture 3 Appending 00:10:45 Duration
Lecture 4 Interleaving 00:11:49 Duration
Lecture 5 Match merging 00:17:56 Duration
Lecture 6 Types of match-merging merge data sets one-to-one and one-to-many 00:14:03 Duration
Lecture 7 Match Merging Renaming Variables 00:13:03 Duration
Lecture 8 Match Merging Excluding Unmatched Observations 00:14:03 Duration
Lecture 9 Match Merging Selecting Variables 00:08:47 Duration
Lecture 10 Coding Exercise
Lecture 11 Coding Exercise Solution

Section 11 : ReconstructReshape SAS Data sets in DATA step and using Proc TRANSPOSE

Lecture 1 Convert One Obs Subject to Several Obs Subject Using a Data step 00:11:11 Duration
Lecture 2 Convert Several Obs Subject to One Obs Subject Using a DATA Step 00:13:46 Duration
Lecture 3 Convert One Obs Subject to Several Obs Subject Using PROC TRANSPOSE 00:16:03 Duration
Lecture 4 Convert Several Obs Subject to One Obs Subject Using PROC TRANSPOSE 00:08:59 Duration
Lecture 5 Coding Exercise
Lecture 6 Coding Exercise Solution

Section 12 : SAS Stat Procedures Proc SORT, PRINT, MEANS, FREQ, UNIVARIATE, Contents, Export

Lecture 1 Sorting SAS Data with PROC SORT 00:13:14 Duration
Lecture 2 Generate list reports with Proc PRINT VAR, SUM, WHERE, ID and BY statements 00:10:03 Duration
Lecture 3 Generate reports with Proc PRINT VAR, SUM, WHERE, ID and BY statements (Cont 00:11:51 Duration
Lecture 4 Calculate summary statistics and multilevel summaries using Proc MEANS procedure
Lecture 5 Produce one-way and two-way frequency tables with the Proc FREQ procedure- 00:08:37 Duration
Lecture 6 Proc Univariate More powerful way to Describing and Summarizing data 00:08:15 Duration
Lecture 7 Proc Content investigateview the Contents of a SAS Libraries or a SAS data set 00:06:07 Duration
Lecture 8 Proc Export Export data to create standard, comma-delimited, Excel data files 00:10:00 Duration
Lecture 9 Coding Exercise
Lecture 10 Coding Exercise Solution

Section 13 : Generate reports using ODS statements

Lecture 1 ODS overview with examples creating PDF, RTF, PowerPoint outputs 00:13:27 Duration
Lecture 2 ODS Creating HTML Output with Options 00:08:41 Duration
Lecture 3 ODS Creating Excel Output with multiple work sheets 00:11:00 Duration
Lecture 4 Coding Exercise
Lecture 5 Coding Exercise Solution

Section 14 : Error Handling identify and resolve SAS errors

Lecture 1 Syntax errors misspelled keywords, unmatched ' ', missing ; , invalid option 00:13:46 Duration
Lecture 2 Logic Error PUTLOG statement, ERROR statement, temporary variables N and ERROR 00:15:23 Duration
Lecture 3 Coding Exercise
Lecture 4 Coding Exercise Solution

Section 15 : SAS Macro Essentials

Lecture 1 SAS Macro Overview 00:02:48 Duration
Lecture 2 Replacing Text Strings Using Macro Variables 00:05:56 Duration
Lecture 3 Generating SAS Code Using Macros 00:06:04 Duration
Lecture 4 Passing Information into a Macro Using Parameters 00:04:29 Duration
Lecture 5 Coding Exercise
Lecture 6 Coding Exercise solution

Section 16 : Proc SQL Essentials

Lecture 1 Retrieve Data from a Single Table using the Select Statement 00:10:26 Duration
Lecture 2 Retrieve Data from Multiple Tables using Inner Join 00:18:06 Duration
Lecture 3 Retrieve Data from Multiple Tables using Outer Joins 00:10:43 Duration
Lecture 4 Coding Exercise
Lecture 5 Coding Exercise Solution

Section 17 : Hands-on Project Case study on Weight Loss data

Lecture 1 Project step-by-step instruction & Excel data file 00:02:38 Duration
Lecture 2 Project Solution Video
Lecture 3 Project SAS Code Downloadable

Section 18 : Installed SAS University Edition WIll End Aug 2, 2021

Lecture 1 Install SAS University Edition (SAS studio) the complete and step-by-step guide 00:14:58 Duration
Lecture 2 Virtual box 6 00:11:39 Duration
Lecture 3 How to use SAS onDemand academics if you can NOT install SAS University Edition 00:11:53 Duration
Lecture 4 Downloadable course materials SAS programs and Data used in the course, + PPTs 00:00:57 Duration