Section 1 : Welcome
Lecture 2 | About Certification | |
Lecture 3 | Who Is This Course For | 00:00:41 Duration |
Lecture 4 | How This Course Is Organized | 00:01:04 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Agenda | 00:02:30 Duration |
Section 2 : Introduction to the Cloud
Lecture 1 | Current Status in Computing | 00:04:03 Duration |
Lecture 2 | What is the Cloud | 00:03:39 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Characteristics of the Cloud | 00:06:04 Duration |
Lecture 4 | CapEx vs OpEx | 00:02:38 Duration |
Lecture 5 | IaaS, PaaS, SaaS | 00:05:37 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Types of Clouds | 00:04:05 Duration |
Lecture 7 | Main Cloud Providers | 00:01:06 Duration |
Section 3 : Introduction to Azure
Lecture 1 | Introduction | 00:01:13 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Regions and Zones | 00:04:39 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Azure Services | 00:01:18 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Creating Account | 00:05:03 Duration |
Section 4 : First Look at Azure
Lecture 1 | The Azure Portal | 00:05:35 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Accessing the Portal in the future | |
Lecture 3 | Account and Subscription | 00:02:21 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Changes in Azure portal | |
Lecture 5 | Creating Resource | 00:05:04 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Finding the Resource | 00:01:35 Duration |
Lecture 7 | The Resource Page | 00:02:12 Duration |
Lecture 8 | Removing a Resource | 00:02:02 Duration |
Lecture 9 | Azure CLI & PowerShell | 00:07:58 Duration |
Lecture 10 | TASK_ Remove the Resource Group |
Section 5 : Azure Basic Concepts
Lecture 1 | Regions | 00:03:46 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Resource Groups | 00:05:51 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Storage Accounts | 00:01:01 Duration |
Lecture 4 | SLA | 00:03:47 Duration |
Lecture 5 | SLA Calculators | |
Lecture 6 | Cost | 00:08:09 Duration |
Lecture 7 | Setting Budget | 00:03:31 Duration |
Lecture 8 | Architects and the Cloud | 00:02:13 Duration |
Section 6 : Introducing Our App
Lecture 1 | Intorudction | 00:02:09 Duration |
Lecture 2 | ReadIt Demo | 00:03:49 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Installing | 00:02:21 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Installing VS Code | 00:02:29 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Installing Extensions | 00:02:19 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Running the Catalog Locally | 00:03:48 Duration |
Lecture 7 | Going Through the Code | 00:03:31 Duration |
Section 7 : Azure Compute
Lecture 1 | Introduction | 00:01:35 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Virtual Machines | 00:05:11 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Creating Virtual Machine | 00:15:07 Duration |
Lecture 4 | The Real Cost of VM | 00:02:25 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Reducing the Cost of VM | 00:08:04 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Availability of VMs | 00:12:40 Duration |
Lecture 7 | Creating Available & Cost Effective VM | 00:07:32 Duration |
Lecture 8 | ARM Template | 00:03:59 Duration |
Lecture 9 | Using ARM Template | 00:13:39 Duration |
Lecture 10 | Deleting Virtual Machines | 00:03:48 Duration |
Lecture 11 | Virtual Machine Scale Set | 00:03:32 Duration |
Lecture 12 | Using Scale Set | 00:16:10 Duration |
Lecture 13 | Azure Instance Metadata Services | 00:10:26 Duration |
Lecture 14 | ReadIt Resources Helper List | |
Lecture 15 | Setting Up the Catalog App | 00:17:48 Duration |
Lecture 16 | Setting Up the Weather API | 00:12:03 Duration |
Lecture 17 | Virtual Machines Tips and Tricks | |
Lecture 18 | A Quick Reminder | |
Lecture 19 | Azure Architecture Diagrams | 00:03:50 Duration |
Lecture 20 | A Word of Caution | 00:01:03 Duration |
Lecture 21 | Shut Down the Machines | |
Lecture 22 | App Services | 00:02:49 Duration |
Lecture 23 | App Service Tiers | 00:01:40 Duration |
Lecture 24 | Auto Scaling App Service | 00:01:11 Duration |
Lecture 25 | Setting the Inventory App Service | 00:14:04 Duration |
Lecture 26 | App Services Tips and Tricks | |
Lecture 27 | Shutting Down App Service | |
Lecture 28 | Current Architecture | 00:00:25 Duration |
Lecture 29 | AKS | 00:00:54 Duration |
Lecture 30 | Containers | 00:06:45 Duration |
Lecture 31 | Introduction to Docker | 00:05:19 Duration |
Lecture 32 | Containers Management | 00:01:45 Duration |
Lecture 33 | Introduction to Kubernetes | 00:01:46 Duration |
Lecture 34 | Installing Docker on Windows 10 Home | |
Lecture 35 | Working with Containers | 00:16:07 Duration |
Lecture 36 | Working with AKS | 00:12:44 Duration |
Lecture 37 | Current Architecture | 00:00:42 Duration |
Lecture 38 | Azure Functions | 00:09:02 Duration |
Lecture 39 | Azure Functions Hosting Plan | 00:08:42 Duration |
Lecture 40 | Durable Functions | 00:02:21 Duration |
Lecture 41 | Running Functions Locally | 00:10:36 Duration |
Lecture 42 | Running Functions on Azure | 00:09:05 Duration |
Lecture 43 | Current Architecture | 00:00:43 Duration |
Lecture 44 | A Quick Reminder | |
Lecture 45 | How to Choose Compute Type | 00:03:23 Duration |
Lecture 46 | More Compute Options | 00:01:19 Duration |
Section 8 : Azure Networking
Lecture 1 | Networking in Azure | 00:02:45 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Virtual Networks | 00:05:17 Duration |
Lecture 3 | CIDR Notation | 00:05:19 Duration |
Lecture 4 | CIDR Notation Tip | |
Lecture 5 | Subnets | |
Lecture 6 | Looking at the ReadIt VNet | 00:07:00 Duration |
Lecture 7 | Creating a Virtual Network | 00:06:20 Duration |
Lecture 8 | Working with VNets | 00:13:43 Duration |
Lecture 9 | Network Security Groups | 00:03:05 Duration |
Lecture 10 | Setting Up the Catalog's NSG | 00:11:19 Duration |
Lecture 11 | Setting Up the Weather API's NSG | 00:04:14 Duration |
Lecture 12 | Moving the Weather API to a New Subnet | 00:10:58 Duration |
Lecture 13 | Network Security Groups Tips and Tricks | |
Lecture 14 | Network Peering | 00:04:08 Duration |
Lecture 15 | Moving the Weather API to a New VNet | 00:12:54 Duration |
Lecture 16 | Using Network Peering | 00:07:03 Duration |
Lecture 17 | Network Topology | 00:03:31 Duration |
Lecture 18 | Current Architecture | 00:00:33 Duration |
Lecture 19 | Secure VM Access | 00:07:44 Duration |
Lecture 20 | Using Bastion | 00:09:34 Duration |
Lecture 21 | Service Endpoint | 00:04:17 Duration |
Lecture 22 | Private Link | 00:03:36 Duration |
Lecture 23 | Service Endpoint vs Private Link | 00:01:55 Duration |
Lecture 24 | VNet Integration | 00:04:43 Duration |
Lecture 25 | Access Restrictions | 00:07:00 Duration |
Lecture 26 | ASE | 00:03:15 Duration |
Lecture 27 | Load Balancer | 00:11:18 Duration |
Lecture 28 | Application Gateway | 00:06:42 Duration |
Lecture 29 | Creating Application Gateway | 00:11:17 Duration |
Lecture 30 | Connecting the Inventory App Service to the Application Gateway | 00:07:15 Duration |
Lecture 31 | Connecting the Catalog VM to the Application Gateway | 00:06:31 Duration |
Lecture 32 | Cost of Application Gateway in This Course | |
Lecture 33 | Application Gateway and AKS | 00:00:58 Duration |
Lecture 34 | Application Gateway and Function Apps | 00:01:14 Duration |
Lecture 35 | Current Architecture | 00:00:52 Duration |
Lecture 36 | Affinity | |
Lecture 37 | Stateless Architecture | 00:07:12 Duration |
Lecture 38 | Application Gateway and Cookies | 00:02:56 Duration |
Lecture 39 | Secure Network Design | 00:01:46 Duration |
Section 9 : Data in Azure
Lecture 1 | Introduction | 00:01:06 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Major Database Features | 00:01:12 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Database on VM | 00:01:59 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Azure SQL | 00:11:12 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Azure SQL Pricing | 00:07:17 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Which Azure SQL to Choose_ | 00:01:05 Duration |
Lecture 7 | Creating and Connection to Azure SQL | 00:09:40 Duration |
Lecture 8 | Connecting the Catalog to the Database | 00:13:55 Duration |
Lecture 9 | Securing the Database Connection | 00:03:37 Duration |
Lecture 10 | Connecting the Inventory to the Database | 00:09:09 Duration |
Lecture 11 | A Quick Reminder | |
Lecture 12 | Cosmos DB | 00:06:00 Duration |
Lecture 13 | SQL vs NoSQL Databases | 00:07:47 Duration |
Lecture 14 | Cosmos DB Consistency Levels | 00:09:09 Duration |
Lecture 15 | Cosmos DB Pricing | 00:04:51 Duration |
Lecture 16 | Creating and Using Cosmos DB | 00:13:56 Duration |
Lecture 17 | Connecting the Orders Function to Cosmos DB | 00:10:51 Duration |
Lecture 18 | Cosmos DB Tips and Tricks | |
Lecture 19 | Azure MySQL | 00:02:20 Duration |
Lecture 20 | Azure MySQL Pricing | 00:02:00 Duration |
Lecture 21 | Creating and Using Azure MySQL | 00:13:00 Duration |
Lecture 22 | Azure PostgreSQL | 00:02:34 Duration |
Lecture 23 | Azure Storage | 00:13:20 Duration |
Lecture 24 | Azure Blob Storage Pricing | 00:02:01 Duration |
Lecture 25 | Creating and Using Storage Account | 00:08:35 Duration |
Lecture 26 | Accessing Private Blobs with Keys and SAS Token | 00:07:30 Duration |
Lecture 27 | Networking and Fail Over of Storage Account | 00:05:12 Duration |
Lecture 28 | CDN and Automation | 00:07:35 Duration |
Lecture 29 | Creating Storage Account for the ReadIt App | 00:01:43 Duration |
Lecture 30 | Azure Storage Explorer | 00:04:52 Duration |
Lecture 31 | Azure Redis | 00:02:30 Duration |
Lecture 32 | Azure Redis Pricing | |
Lecture 33 | Creating Redis and Connecting the Catalog | 00:13:25 Duration |
Lecture 34 | Connecting the Shopping Cart to Redis | 00:12:08 Duration |
Lecture 35 | Current Architecture | 00:01:49 Duration |
Lecture 36 | How to Select Data Store Solution | 00:01:43 Duration |
Section 10 : Messaging in Azure
Lecture 1 | Messaging in Azure | 00:00:44 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Storage Queue | 00:02:01 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Using Storage Queue | 00:05:49 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Event Grid | 00:04:17 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Event Grid Pricing | 00:00:52 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Connecting Event Grid to the Orders Function | 00:14:57 Duration |
Lecture 7 | Connecting the Shopping Cart to the Storage Account | 00:09:08 Duration |
Lecture 8 | Protecting the Orders Function | 00:01:59 Duration |
Lecture 9 | Service Bus | 00:03:55 Duration |
Lecture 10 | Service Bus Pricing | 00:01:11 Duration |
Lecture 11 | Using Service Bus | 00:07:04 Duration |
Lecture 12 | Event Hubs | 00:04:12 Duration |
Lecture 13 | Event Hubs Pricing | 00:01:27 Duration |
Lecture 14 | Using Event Hubs | 00:06:57 Duration |
Lecture 15 | Selecting Messaging Solution | 00:01:27 Duration |
Lecture 16 | Current Architecture | 00:00:44 Duration |
Section 11 : Azure AD
Lecture 1 | Introduction | 00:03:10 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Tenants | 00:01:32 Duration |
Lecture 3 | A Look Around Azure AD | 00:05:29 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Users and Groups | 00:00:49 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Working with Users and Groups | 00:09:16 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Azure AD Licenses | 00:01:35 Duration |
Lecture 7 | MFA | 00:04:15 Duration |
Lecture 8 | Security Defaults | 00:01:38 Duration |
Lecture 9 | Using Security Defaults | 00:02:07 Duration |
Lecture 10 | RBAC | 00:03:38 Duration |
Lecture 11 | Azure Roles | 00:02:54 Duration |
Lecture 12 | Using Azure Roles | 00:07:44 Duration |
Lecture 13 | Managed Identitied | 00:02:15 Duration |
Lecture 14 | Using Managed Identity with the Inventory App Service | 00:14:07 Duration |
Lecture 15 | Using Azure AD to Authenticate our App | 00:01:20 Duration |
Lecture 16 | OAuth & JWT | 00:12:36 Duration |
Lecture 17 | Configuring Azure AD and the Inventory App Service for Authentication | 00:08:10 Duration |
Lecture 18 | Adapting the Inventory Code and Using Azure AD | 00:09:42 Duration |
Lecture 19 | Azure AD B2C | 00:04:04 Duration |
Lecture 20 | Current Architecture | 00:00:42 Duration |
Lecture 21 | Synchronizing Azure AD with On-Prem AD | 00:02:13 Duration |
Section 12 : Monitoring in Azure
Lecture 1 | Introduction | |
Lecture 2 | Resource Monitoring | 00:01:09 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Using Metrics | 00:10:29 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Azure Dashboard | 00:05:48 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Alerts | 00:02:31 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Using Alerts | 00:06:50 Duration |
Lecture 7 | Logs & Analytics Workspace | 00:01:44 Duration |
Lecture 8 | Creating and Using Log Analytics | 00:13:11 Duration |
Lecture 9 | Connecting Log Analytics to Event Logs and Performance Counters | 00:06:16 Duration |
Lecture 10 | Log Analytics with Dashboard and Alerts | 00:03:06 Duration |
Lecture 11 | App Service Logs | 00:05:23 Duration |
Lecture 12 | Insights | 00:00:35 Duration |
Lecture 13 | Using Insights | 00:04:07 Duration |
Lecture 14 | Azure Monitor | 00:00:27 Duration |
Lecture 15 | Using Azure Monitor and Application Insights | 00:06:42 Duration |
Lecture 16 | Application Insights Tips and Tricks | |
Lecture 17 | Tags | 00:01:52 Duration |
Lecture 18 | Using Tags and the Resource Graph Explorer | 00:03:44 Duration |
Lecture 19 | Current Architecture |
Section 13 : Security in Azure
Lecture 1 | Introduction | 00:00:30 Duration |
Lecture 2 | VM Security Best Practices | 00:01:03 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Networking Security Best Practices | 00:00:57 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Database Security Best Practices | 00:00:44 Duration |
Lecture 5 | App Services Security Best Practices | 00:00:50 Duration |
Lecture 6 | KeyVault | 00:02:04 Duration |
Lecture 7 | Using KeyVault in the Catalog App | 00:13:08 Duration |
Lecture 8 | Publishing the KeyVault Code and Using Insights | 00:08:11 Duration |
Lecture 9 | KeyVault Tips and Tricks | |
Lecture 10 | Security Center | 00:00:38 Duration |
Lecture 11 | Using Security Center | 00:10:31 Duration |
Lecture 12 | Current Architecture | 00:00:36 Duration |
Section 14 : DR in Azure
Lecture 1 | Introduction to DR | 00:02:32 Duration |
Lecture 2 | DR Concepts | 00:05:14 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Basics of DR Implementation | 00:02:59 Duration |
Lecture 4 | DR of Data in Azure | 00:04:40 Duration |
Lecture 5 | DR of Compute in Azure | 00:03:15 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Routing in DR | 00:01:40 Duration |
Lecture 7 | Azure Traffic Manager | 00:02:54 Duration |
Lecture 8 | Using Azure Traffic Manager | 00:11:43 Duration |
Lecture 9 | Azure Front Door | 00:01:31 Duration |
Lecture 10 | Using Azure Front Door | 00:07:31 Duration |
Lecture 11 | Traffic Manager vs Front Door | 00:00:48 Duration |
Lecture 12 | Current Architecture | 00:00:37 Duration |
Section 15 : Managing Costs in Azure
Lecture 1 | Introduction | 00:00:54 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Looking at Cost Management | 00:07:50 Duration |
Section 16 : Azure Policy
Lecture 1 | Introduction | 00:05:01 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Defining Initiative and Policies | 00:06:59 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Custom Policies | 00:02:08 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Defining Custom Policy and Testing the Policies | 00:06:36 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Completing the demo and saving costs |
Section 17 : Architecting Apps for Azure
Lecture 1 | Introduction | 00:02:07 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Choosing Compute Platform | 00:02:13 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Choosing Data Platform | 00:01:36 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Choosing Messaging Platform | 00:00:52 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Implementing Security | 00:00:39 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Implementing Logging and Monitoring | 00:00:48 Duration |
Lecture 7 | Azure Architecture Center | 00:00:46 Duration |
Section 18 : Migrating to the Cloud
Lecture 1 | Introduction | 00:00:34 Duration |
Lecture 2 | The Migration Process | 00:00:31 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Motivation Assessment | 00:03:26 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Migration Strategies | 00:05:35 Duration |
Lecture 5 | System Assessment | 00:03:48 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Migration | 00:02:21 Duration |
Lecture 7 | App Enhancements | 00:01:09 Duration |
Lecture 8 | Testing | 00:01:22 Duration |
Lecture 9 | Go Live | 00:01:17 Duration |
Section 19 : Advanced Services
Lecture 1 | Introduction | 00:00:47 Duration |
Lecture 2 | IOT Hub | 00:01:41 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Notification Hub | 00:01:14 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Cognitive Services | 00:01:19 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Summary | 00:00:22 Duration |
Section 20 : Conclusion
Lecture 1 | Download the Azure Architecture Summary | 00:00:51 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Conclusion | 00:04:12 Duration |