Critical Reading Certification

Course Fee : $ 19.99


Critical Reading Certification - $ 19.99

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Critical Reading Certification

Critical Reading Certification



At Brainmeasures, we are always striving hard to develop and advance our systems by keeping ourselves updated with the latest trends and technology
Important Note :

You will be given a Free reference e-book to read which has more pages, And the test will be based on that e-book.

What is Critical Reading?

Critical Reading is a system of language that involves presenting a logical argument that enables you to analyse and assess what you have read. Be being critical in academic sense means you are advancing your understanding, not terminating and therefore concluding learning. It involves a deeper investigation of the claims put forward along with its supporting points and possible challenges. It does not take the specified script just by depending on its appearance. Critical reading comprises of reinterpreting and reconstructing which further helps in improved clarity and readability. The essential part of critical reading also consists of the documentation of possible uncertainties and defects in the author’s perception along with the ability to report them systematically. Critical reading requires the linkage of evidential points just like academic reading. Reading requires seeking information and confrontation of different views occur during this process which in turn forces you to consider your position. In this process, the reader is converted to a writer even if one doesn’t writes or publishes their ideas. Reading is an active procedure and the best method of learning critical reading is by training academic writing. Critical reading is chiefly related to epistemological issues. Human knowledge is always an interpretative explanation of the ecosphere and not a pure interest free theory. Critical reading is not something that every scholar is able to perform. The intellectual traditions that we have formed based on our beliefs and thinking processes determine the way we read.

Brainmeasures Critical Reading Certification Course

The Critical reading certification course by Brainmeasures discusses all the major aspects of critical reading and the theories based on this subject. A very careful critical reading of sources is required to use them critically to form your own argument. Critical reading enables you to advance your understanding and engages you in whatever you read. Critical reading does not mean that you become critical towards an idea or argument or claim it to be faulty but instead it strengthens you judgement about whatever you are reading such as trying to understand the message that the author wants to convey or realising the existing argument. Critical reading focuses on reading in depth considering the main motive and perception of the author and the message being conveyed through a particular topic. Brainmeasures is an ISO certified leading online professional certification company renowned for their world class teaching standards and online skill testing. After getting enrolled in this course, you would receive an E-book that would guide you for the exam. Upon successful completion of the exam, you would be awarded the certificate by Brainmeasures.

Expected Salary for Critical Reading Certification Holders

The average salary of a Critical Reader is $62,000 approximately. Salaries vary depending upon the personal knowledge skills and experience of an individual.

Highlights of the Critical Reading Certification Course by Brainmeasures

The critical reading certification course by Brainmeasures is explained in depth stating all the major topics of the course. Some of the chief points of the course are discusses below:

  • Introduces you to understanding and inspection.
  • Discusses the types of literature.
  • Explains everything about fiction.
  • Discusses about reading non-fiction.
  • Explains about the final analysis.
  • How to explore and research and test your knowledge of non-fiction.

Beneficiaries of the Critical Reading Certification Course by Brainmeasures

The critical reading certification course by Brainmeasures is a fantastic opportunity for all those individuals who love reading, writing, editing, taking notes and are involved in teaching jobs in schools, educational institutions or other business organizations where reading and writing skills are the prerequisite. This course would enable you to understand and examine whatever you are reading critically and look for discrepancies, restrictions, errors, inaccuracies, and arguments against the topic you are reading. Critical reading delivers an extensive guidance in the case of understanding, reflecting on what the text describes and analysing the actual meaning of the script you are reading. Certifications by Brainmeasures are accepted and recognized all over the world and their courses are designed by an expert and highly experienced team of expert tutors.

Employment Opportunities after completion of the Critical Reading Certification Course by Brainmeasures

Numerous job opportunities are available for critical readers as all the established educational institutions, reputed schools, business organizations in this field are always recruiting professional skilled highly experienced critical readers for their firms. Some of the chief areas where you can expect yourself to master are mentioned below:

  • Learning Specialist
  • Critical Reader
  • Education Program Specialist
  • Technical Writer/ Editor
  • Child and Family Specialist
  • Critical Reading/Writing Instructor

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