Standard Test

Automatic Proctor

Human Proctor


Customized Test

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Standard Test

Cost : $10 / TEST

We offer over 21,000 skill tests (technical and non-technical), you can choose any number of tests from our Library, or You can ask for any number of customized Tests, or You can give us your Test content to run on Brainmeasures employee testing platform.

On Registering You Will Get


Which you can use to unlock 1 standard test from a library of 21,000 skill tests To test one of your candidates.


Cost : $25 / Test

An advanced proctoring system built using AI and ML designed to check test taker does not use unfair means during the test.

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Face Detection

Checks that candidate remains in line of camera and does not leave the test while taking the test.

Face Recognition

Checks and verifies candidate identity.

Multi-Face Detection

Candidate has to be alone while taking the test, the system ensures that no other person is present except test taker.

Voice Detection

This feature captures sounds and whispers, it prevents cheating so that no one is helping the candidate.

Eye Tracking

Captures eye movement, all these features have been developed to avert cheating during tests.

Keystroke Biometrics

validates candidates identity by the way they type on their keyboard in order to grant secure access to online accounts or physical endpoints.

Browser Navigation

System does not allow candidate to open any other window or get browser access when taking test.

Video Recording

Tests are recorded for later reference.

Screen Sharing

Proctor has viewing access to candidate’s screen, this allows them to keep eye on test taker.

Idle Screen Detection

Used to detect if candidate leaves the test in-between.

Short- Keys Disabled

Done to prevent cheating

Suspicion Alarm

If candidate violates the testing conditions, red flags are raised and after certain time suspicion alarm is raised and test is stopped.



Human Surveillance

Tests are taken under the surveillance of trained human proctor.

A Proctored test is controlled by an individual who supervises the candidates while they are taking the test. The primary role of a proctor is to guarantee the reliability and security of the test in a secure environment.

Hassle Free Process

  • Purchase Test
  • Choose the option of “is live Protor”
  • Intimate the Candidates
  • Schedule test time and date
  • Email will be sent to the Candidates
  • Proctors will verify on Exam day
  • Starts test on schedule date time
  • Candidates will be checked throughout the test

Wide Range Of Test types of Questions

42 types of tests


Multiple Response

True or False

Short Answers

Fill in the blank




Likert Scale


One Word

Approximate Solution


Sentence Completion

Complete and Balance the Equation

Paragraph Based Questions

Write and Balance the Equation

Write Chemical Reaction

Name the Following

File Upload




Video Based Questions

Image Based Questions

Audio Based Questions


Gaming Assessment Test Questions

Data Science

Code Review

Coding Question

Front end Developer

HTML/CSSs/ JavaScript

Back end Developer

Full Stack Developer

Database Engineer

Java Project


Machine Learning

Project Questions

Hire and retain the best Technology team

Brainmeasures Hiring platform has been designed to help hiring managers hire best tech talent using the entourage of advanced virtual hiring tools making job of hiring managers easy to spot, interview and recruit best tech talent for their organization.

Online Coding Problems

Explore an extensive-array of coding problems on various in-demand coding languages, like Swift, Python, and more.

Advanced MCQs

Leverage the massive range of industry-relevant Multiple Choices Quizzes (MCQs) developed by the domain experts.

Extensive Performance Analysis

Generate insightful test reports of candidates for a thorough performance analysis and meaningful hiring decisions.

Code Debugging

Evaluate coding capabilities of participant coders using a huge range of advanced online code debugging problems.

Multiple Capabilities

Evaluate candidates' capabilities across various domains, like aptitude, management, coding languages, and more.

Questions Collection

Enterprises can use the huge Questions Library or add customized problems to assess talent as well as for branding.

Rest easy with industry-leading security measures

Our online code compiler comes with enterprise-ready security measures. Candidate code is completely sandboxed and purged within a set timeframe..

Experience BMCode for yourself

BMCode is the most intelligent online coding interview platform out there. That’s because it comes with a state-of-the-art collaborative code editor, a built-in question library, HD video chat, a diagram board and so much more. Click below to experience it firsthand.

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Get access to latest and most robust compilation engines

Get used to fast code compilation with zero maintenance. Our code compiler API is constantly updated to ensure accuracy and performance

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Coding Tests

Online code compilation made simple for more than 55 languages

Brainmeasures Systems combines candidate input with AI-based insights to quickly and accurately provide reports, so you may spend more time making judgements.

Explore All Coding Test
Language Version Time limit Memory Limit Libraries provided
c gcc 8.2.0 2 512 X
C++ gcc 8.2.0 2 512 X
csharp gcc 8.2.0 2 512 X
Java gcc 8.2.0 2 512 X
php 2.7.15 gcc 8.2.0 2 512 X
Java 8 gcc 8.2.0 2 512 X
python gcc 8.2.0 2 512 X
perl gcc 8.2.0 2 512 X
ruby gcc 8.2.0 2 512 X
js gcc 8.2.0 2 512 X
objc gcc 8.2.0 2 512 X
pascal gcc 8.2.0 2 512 X
go gcc 8.2.0 2 512 X
scala gcc 8.2.0 2 512 X
fsharp gcc 8.2.0 2 512 X
haskell gcc 8.2.0 2 512 X
lua gcc 8.2.0 2 512 X
d gcc 8.2.0 2 512 X
clojure gcc 8.2.0 2 512 X
groovy gcc 8.2.0 2 512 X
tcl gcc 8.2.0 2 512 X
ocaml gcc 8.2.0 2 512 X
erlang gcc 8.2.0 2 512 X
smalltalk gcc 8.2.0 2 512 X
cobol gcc 8.2.0 2 512 X
racket gcc 8.2.0 2 512 X
bash gcc 8.2.0 2 512 X
java8 gcc 8.2.0 2 512 X
python3 gcc 8.2.0 2 512 X
octave gcc 8.2.0 2 512 X
rust gcc 8.2.0 2 512 X
lisp gcc 8.2.0 2 512 X
r gcc 8.2.0 2 512 X
nodejs gcc 8.2.0 2 512 X
julia gcc 8.2.0 2 512 X
swift gcc 8.2.0 2 512 X
fortran gcc 8.2.0 2 512 X
ada gcc 8.2.0 2 512 X
prolog gcc 8.2.0 2 512 X
icon gcc 8.2.0 2 512 X
cpp11 gcc 8.2.0 2 512 X
cpp14 gcc 8.2.0 2 512 X
elixir gcc 8.2.0 2 512 X
coffeescript gcc 8.2.0 2 512 X
brainfuck gcc 8.2.0 2 512 X
pypy gcc 8.2.0 2 512 X
lolcode gcc 8.2.0 2 512 X
nim gcc 8.2.0 2 512 X
picolisp gcc 8.2.0 2 512 X
pike gcc 8.2.0 2 512 X
whitespace gcc 8.2.0 2 512 X
php7 gcc 8.2.0 2 512 X
pypy3 gcc 8.2.0 2 512 X
kotlin gcc 8.2.0 2 512 X

Smart Coding Problems by Brainmeasures

Brainmeasures is exploring and executing innovative dimensions in the online pre-employment framework through its smart skill-testing capabilities.

We Brainmeasures have intelligently devised a mammoth list of 26000+ coding problem statements, multiple choice questions (MCQs), and 40 other question types to serve the varied workforce requirements of global corporate houses, empowering them to strategically assess and appoint the right coding caliber for their technical teams.

The smart content of our coding problems enables recruiters to seamlessly evaluate prospective candidates in every A.S.P.E.C.T. – Aptitude, Skill, Personality, Excellence, Competence, and Talent.

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Effortlessly compile code online, across 55+ languages

Spend less time making reports and more time making decisions FaceCode combines your candidate feedback with ai-based insights to effortlessly generate the most accurate interview reports ever. This is just another reason why it’s the preferred online coding interview platform for thousands of organizations.

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Brainmeasures Online Interview Platform

Brainmeasures presents its advanced online interview platform built using futuristic AI and ML technologies.

Upto 10 members of Management team can take online real-time interview of screened candidates. Brainmeasures platform is completely customized in terms of rounds of interview, type of questions to asked, number of candidates to be interviewed.

Get results immediately and Hire best resources for your organization.

Brainmeasures supports 42 types of questions such as coding, Objective type, essay type, fill in the blanks, short answers, video based, image based, paragraph based etc Interviewer(s) can decide how many type of questions they want to add while creating the test.

Brainmeasures interview platform is cheating proof, this has been made possible by using artificial intelligence and machine learning and system detects and red flags any activity that is suspicious. Face detection, face recognition, eye tracker, keystroke Biometrics, browser navigation, voice detection, short keys disables, idle screen detection, multi face detection and suspicion alarm.

Brainmeasures Online Interview Solutions

123K Interviews Held

  • Invite and conduct interviews online

  • Collaborative, Real-Time interview platform

  • State-of-Art interview platform with advanced features

  • HD video chats

  • Schedule interviews and send branded invites

All these features make cheating impossible.

Interviews are recoded for future reference helping you make right hiring decisions.

Use the Brainmeasures Interview insights to increase the effectiveness of your interviewing process.

Component of the Talent Assessment Platform by Brainmeasures.

The hiring process has a blind spot related to interviews

The interview, which makes up the majority of the employment process, is still a source of data that is inconsistent, ineffective, and unreliable

Browse All Tests
Interviews are not always successful (legitimate), which leads to hiring mistakes

By the time they have worked there for 18 months, 38% of hires are regarded as failures.

Interviews are not always successful (legitimate), which leads to hiring mistakes

The diversity of an organization’s personnel is a consideration for 64% of job hopefuls.

A bad candidate experience can cause competent candidates to be lost to inexperienced interviewers.

In the United States, 50% of job applicants declined an offer because of a bad interviewing experience.

Interview Insights from the Award-Winning Brainmeasures platform.

Top HR Product of the Year for 2023

Human Resource Executive recognized Brainmeasures Interview Insights as the Outstanding HR Product of the Year in the Talent Acquisition category for 2023.

In order to provide detailed, explicable, and actionable insights to the interview process, Interview Insights analyses interview discussions and makes use of AI-based cognitive services to evaluate the performance of both the interviewee and the interviewer.

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Psychometric Tests

Brainmeasures psychometric tests help employers access the knowledge, skills,and personality of candidates, helping avert costly hiring mistakes.

Big 6 Personality Online Tests
  • Understand candidate's critical and logical thinking.
  • Management Level Psychometric Assessment.
  • Understand and learn his Behaviour pattern.
  • Understand candidate's critical and logical thinking.
  • Management Level Psychometric Assessment.
  • Understand and learn his Behaviour pattern.

Aptitude Test Practice

SHL Tests

Employer Tests

Verbal Reasoning

Assessment Centres

Mechanical Reasoning

Diagrammatic Reasoning

Deductive Reasoning

Criteria Cognitive Aptitute Test

Critical Thinking

Logical Reasoning

Personality Tests

Cappfinity Tests

Situational Judgement

Inductive Reasoning

Spatial Reasoning

Error Checking

In-Tray Exercises

Personality Questionnaires

Verbal And Critical Reasoning

Finance And Management


Graduate Benchmark

Non-Verbal reasoning, mechanical comprehension and data interpretation

Common Verbal Reasoning Tests


Combination Tests

Common Numerical Psychometric Tests

CCAT Tests

Accuracy Tests

Industry Tests

Aptitude Test

Numerical Reasoning Test

Find the Right Remote Proctoring Solution to Fit Your Needs

Attributes Brainmeasures Automated Proctoring Brainmeasures Live Remote Proctoring Brainmeasures Record and Review
Identity and environmental safety
Environment Check 360
Face Detection (Multiple)
Detecting Objects
Prevention of Screengrabs
Exam Reliability and Integrity
Get Demo Now Get Demo Now Get Demo Now

Customized Test

Our expert team can develop Tests on any given topic, and You can choose the number of Questions and difficulty level of the tests.

Our Experts can develop questions based on coding, snippets, and the test would check the thorough knowledge of test taker as our focus is to make tests with a practical approach. Corporate use our tests for hiring purposes.

We never disappoint, this is the reason we are working with than 500 companies and in business since 2017


Contact Us

Case Studies

These Case Studies narrate the success stories of our client’s employee recruitment projects from conception to completion, and they ensure excellent ways to resolve the recruiters’ pain points with regard to their skill assessment and workforce hiring agenda.

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Brainmeasures ROI Calculator

Are you interested in learning how much time and money Brainmeasures might help you save? To determine, use our Hiring ROI calculator.

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Microsoft AI across the board

AI operations optimization

Awarded the IBM Beacon

Best Talent Management Solution

Asian Banker Technological Awards

Outstanding HR System Project

Global Presence

102 Countries

Multinational Deployments

Deployment with most recruiters

Integration Brainmeasures

Run 21,000 skill tests on your web portal with Brainmeasures api service!

Brainmeasures testing system is compatible with Web portal, LMS, ATS, Websites

  • We will provide you an API service where tests will run under your Brand name

  • Your candidates/test takers will feel that they are on your platform while taking the test

  • You can launch it as an additional service to your portal

  • The complete database will be stored with you

  • Results will be displayed immediately after candidate finishes the exams

View More Test
Online code compiler APIs, simplified

Building and maintaining your own code compilation engine to assess developer talent is far too complicated. Switch to Brainmeasures's assessment API instead, and get access to the latest, most robust code compiler API that supports over 55 programming languages.

Read More About API

The Best in the Business Trust Us

“We choose Brainmeasures because their product is far better than the products and services currently on the market. They also bring a lot of talents and unique ideas to the table.”

How the System Works

We offer over 21,000 skill tests (technical and non-technical),you can choose any number of tests from our Library, or You can ask for any number of customized Tests,or You can give us your Test content to run on Brainmeasures employee testing platform


Total Reviews : 12908865 and counting..

Introducing Our Team

Team Brainmeasures

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between an assessment and a test?

Pellentesque rhoncus tortor justo, quis cursus magna interdum ut. Nunc consequat quis risus nec venenatis. In sollicitudin vehicula mauris, mattis gravida lacus rutrum ut.

How do video questions work?

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Dolore magnam, nobis consequuntur nemo cupiditate vel sit ducimus quisquam quaerat sint officia ad voluptas beatae eveniet. Aliquam aspernatur nulla cupiditate reiciendis ut? Illum odio id odit? Tempore, ea itaque illum laborum quasi, explicabo amet veritatis corporis dolorem minus commodi? Esse repudiandae nam eligendi fugit, architecto quam! Nostrum dolores nisi nulla repudiandae sed tempora impedit quaerat voluptatem itaque suscipit. Placeat adipisci, eius maiores blanditiis possimus culpa? Laudantium officia, nulla repellat rerum tenetur esse quos perferendis. Omnis corporis sequi, recusandae culpa quibusdam doloremque fugiat consectetur beatae quis illo accusamus vero odit, architecto et.

Can I customize an assessment with my company logo and color theme?

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. doloremque fugiat consectetur beatae quis illo accusamus vero odit, architecto et.

What does it mean that Python is object-oriented?

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur am, nobis consequuntur nemo cupiditate vel sit ducimus quisquam quaerat sint officia ad voluptas beatae eveniet. Aliquam aspernatur nulla cupiditate reiciendis ut? Illum odio id odit? Tempore, ea itaque illum laborum quasi, explicabo amet veritatis corporis dolorem minus commodi? Esse repudiandae nam eligendi fugit, architecto quam! Nostrum dolores nisi nulla repudiandae sed tempora impedit quaerat voluptatem itaque suscipit. Placeat adipisci, eius maiores blanditiis possimus culpa? Laudantium officia, nulla repellat rerum tenetur esse quos perferendis. Omnis corporis sequi, recusandae culpa quibusdam doloremque fugiat consectetur beatae quis illo accusamus vero odit, architecto et.

What skills or experience should I have before learning video courses

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur am, nobis consequuntur nemo cupiditate vel sit ducimus quisquam quaerat sint officia ad voluptas beatae eveniet. Aliquam aspernatur nulla cupiditate reiciendis ut? Illum odio id odit? Tempore, ea itaque illum laborum quasi, explicabo amet veritatis corporis dolorem minus commodi? Esse repudiandae nam eligendi fugit, architecto quam! Nostrum dolores nisi nulla repudiandae sed tempora impedit quaerat voluptatem itaque suscipit. Placeat adipisci, eius maiores blanditiis possimus culpa? Laudantium officia, nulla repellat rerum tenetur esse quos perferendis. Omnis corporis sequi, recusandae culpa quibusdam doloremque fugiat consectetur beatae quis illo accusamus vero odit, architecto et.