Trading Certification

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Trading Certification

Trading Certification



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You will be given a Free reference e-book to read which has more pages, And the test will be based on that e-book.

Trading Certification

Introduction to Trading in the Stock Market

Trading in the stock market (stock trading) involves the process of investing your money wisely with an aim of turning it into huge profits. Traders buy stock in companies that they strongly believe would progress in the future and offer them a huge return on their investments. If you are buying more popular stocks, then you can expect its price to grow higher as well. There are a lot of ways through which you can make an investment through stocks. You can decide to purchase stocks and then hold these for a longer period of time. By doing this, you get the chance to earn more in the future. You may also try out scalping. This type of trading allows traders to earn huge profits from the quick movements in the stock market. It is the process of making money from any small changes in the market. The process of trading is usually done through stock exchanges. Different countries also offer various stock exchanges including the Shanghai Stock Exchange, New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and the London Stock Exchange. If you want to become successful in stock trading, then you have to make sure that you understand all these trading concepts before starting out:

  • Fees/Commission including tiered commission structure, limit trades, market trades, fee/option contract, margin rate and minimum account balance
  • Investments Offered including stocks, mutual funds, options and exchange traded funds
  • Retirement Accounts
  • Vital Trading Tools including calculators, alerts, virtual trading and customizable desktop
  • Trading Resources including streaming news, tax information, newsletters and live online workshops

Brainmeasures Trading Certification Program

Becoming a successful and profitable trader is never impossible to reach especially after deciding to take part in the trading certification program which is now offered by Brainmeasures. Brainmeasures trading course will surely inform you about all the things that you need to learn in order to become successful in this field. This highly reputable online certification and testing company is guaranteed to offer you the most reliable trading training online which covers all the aspects related to stock trading and any other types of trading including how the market works and the many strategies that you can use to increase your chances of winning. This online certification course also provides information about all the trading tools that you can use and other sources of information that will allow you to have an easier time formulating trading decisions. But before you will be able to receive your trading certification, you will need to successfully pass the online trading exam which serves as an evaluation of your trading skills and knowledge.

Highlights of the Trading Certification Program from Brainmeasures

By enrolling in the trading certification program offered by Brainmeasures, you will no longer find it impossible to earn huge amounts of profit through trading. The trading certification program from Brainmeasures is highly comprehensive enough which makes it effective in honing your skills and knowledge in the following topics and areas:

  • A clearer overview of the life of a stock trader, its ups and downs
  • Gaining a more comprehensive background about the stock markets and the different stock exchanges offered by various countries
  • Importance of getting the help of a broker
  • Finding the most suitable broker for you
  • Preparing your computer and use it as one of your key tools in trading
  • Basics of fundamental analysis and observing the behavior of the stock market through it
  • Critical parts and issues linked to fundamental analysis
  • Understanding everything about technical analysis
  • Technical analysis and the procedures involved in reading bar charts, following and predicting trends and calculating oscillators and indicators
  • Different techniques and strategies designed for effective money management
  • Effective trade execution
  • Establishing an extremely powerful trading system
  • Basics of both day and swing trading
  • Some of the most common mistakes that you should avoid committing when trading in the stock market

Beneficiaries of the Trading Certification Program

The trading certification program is primarily designed for aspiring and existing traders who want to significantly increase their chances of winning trades in the stock market. It is also beneficial for individuals and professionals who hold great responsibilities in private banks, central banks, commercial banks, financial institutions, hedge funds and consultancy groups since they need to know exactly how the stock market works in order to formulate the best decisions for the good of their organization.

Job Opportunities after Completing a Trading Certification Course

The trading certification course which is now part of the many offers of Brainmeasures allows you to receive numerous job offers. The following are just few of the many jobs that you can get after completing a trading certification course:

  • Stock Trader
  • Trade Surveillance Auditor
  • Stock Trading Analyst
  • Stock Broker
  • Bank Risk Manager
  • Risk Controller

Expected Salary for Trading Certification Holders

Working in the stock trading industry also increases your chances of earning a huge amount. As a stock trader, then your earnings will be fully dependent about your knowledge about trading and about all the trading decisions that you have made. If after completing a trading certification course you get a stock trading analyst position, then you can expect your annual earnings to go from $40,000 to $133,000 per year. If you are a stock broker, then your earnings would be around $47,000 to $98,000 annually and there is a great possibility that you will earn more through commissions.


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