JavaScript (New) Test

391069 Ratings

Topics covered - Syllabus

  • Angular js, basics, npm
  • Angular js, Binding
  • Angular js, clustering
  • Angular js, Components
  • Angular js, Controller
  • Angular js, directives
  • Angular js, expression
  • Angular js, filters
  • Angular js, http
  • Angular js, life cycle
  • API
  • Arrays
  • Backbone js, basics
  • browser BOM
  • Callbacks
  • CGI
  • Class and objects
  • Command
  • conditional operator
  • Conditions
  • Cookies
  • Data Types
  • database- data source
  • Dates
  • Debugging
  • detection
  • document
  • DOM
  • else
  • else if
  • Ember JS
  • Encoding
  • entity
  • enumeration
  • Environment
  • Errors
  • event handler
  • Events
  • Exception Handling
  • Ext JS, basics
  • Forms
  • Framework - Ext JS
  • Framework - vue js, data binding
  • Framework - vue js, jsonp
  • Framework - vue js, Transitions
  • framework, node js
  • Functional programming
  • Functions
  • Functions parseInt()
  • Fundamentals
  • Git
  • Google-map Api
  • Grunt
  • HTML
  • HTTP
  • hypertext
  • I/O
  • if
  • Inflection
  • Inheritance
  • inheritance , interfaces
  • inline functions
  • jquery
  • Jquery, accordion
  • jquery, callback
  • Jquery, chaining
  • jquery, cookies
  • Jquery, data binding
  • jquery, dom
  • jquery, filter
  • Jquery, Methods
  • JSON, basics
  • JSP
  • Keywords
  • keywords (Self)
  • Lists
  • literals
  • Loops
  • Maps
  • Maths
  • Memory Concepts
  • Meteor, basic
  • Meteor, tracker
  • Models
  • Modernizr
  • Modules
  • negative infinity
  • netscape
  • Node js, basic, npm
  • Node js, callback concepts
  • Node js, Watchman
  • Objects
  • Operators
  • Output
  • promises
  • QTP
  • react , react native
  • react, basics
  • react, Component, HOC
  • react, dom
  • react, ecma script
  • react, flux
  • react, life cycle, HOC
  • react, react route
  • react, redux
  • react, web token
  • redux
  • Regular Expressions
  • Request
  • response
  • route-recognizer js
  • router
  • Scope
  • Strings
  • Switch
  • Syntax
  • Tags
  • Template
  • Testing
  • Time
  • tuple
  • URL
  • Variables
  • VBScript
  • XMLhttp

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Time Duration : 40

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