What are psychometric tests?
Psychometric tests are tests which aim to measure objectively a person’s ability or certain aspects of their personality.
These tests provide objective information about different areas of candidates’ skills for example the extent of their knowledge, motivations,

Devised by occupational psychologists, aim of psychometric testing is to provide reliable method of selecting the best applicants using tests that are fair to all applicants.
The British Psychological Society defines a psychometric Tests as: ‘an instrument designed to produce a quantitative assessment of some psychological attribute or attributes.’
Main types of Psychometric Tests.
Two main types of psychometric tests are Personality Questionnaires and Aptitude Tests.

What is a personality Questionnaire?
Personality refers to the patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behavior that are unique to each individual and these are characteristics that distinguish an individual from another. Personality implies the predictability of how one reacts under different circumstances.
A personality test is a device or instrument for assessing or evaluating personality. They are designed to measure attitudes, habits, and values.
Personality tests do not fall under the category of pass and fail.

What is a Aptitude Tests?
Aptitude tests also known as intelligence tests are designed to give an objective assessment of the candidate’s ability in a number of disciplines such as verbal understanding, numeracy, logic, and spatial or diagrammatic reasoning skills.
Pass and fail apply to these tests. Intelligence tests or IQ tests are standardized after being given to many thousands of people and on average IQ 100 is established.
IQ is considered hereditary and it remains constant throughout life so it cannot be increased but performance can be improved with practice.
Employers use IQ tests to find out candidates’ ability to fit the required vacancy and these tests are also used to identify suitable jobs for people within an organization. These tests are useful to both the employer and the candidates in identifying strengths and weaknesses and thus help find the job for which the person is most suited.
Aptitude Practice Test

Psychometric tests are widely used by recruiters, every industry today is highly dependent on these tests to find right people for their organization. Brainmeasures Psychometric tests are popular among HR mangers and recruiters on top global companies.
Our Assessment platform is loaded with good quality tests and ease of use makes it recruiter friendly.

Brainmeasures Analysis and Test Summary Report
When a candidate appears for Brainmeasures test an analysis and test summary report will be prepared and provided to you each time a test is submitted if you've opted to use one of our aptitude or skills tests as a requirement for pre-employment testing.
The report gives a broad summary of the test results for the job applicant, including data on the overall score, the weighted score, the number of questions answered correctly, time taken to finish the exam, Accuracy vs Speed, subject analysis, coverage and accuracy.
Sample Report
Decoding Brainmeasures Analysis Report
Using subject Analysis report you can judge how well candidate understands various aspects of the subject as in this section topic wise analysis of test takers ability has been explained using different colored bands.
It’s in a tabular form with 4 sections


Score Bar


This report gives an in-depth insight which is further categorized in 4 sections

Subject Coverage
This section gives you an overview of how well the candidate knows his subject, pie diagram is used to evaluate candidates’ knowledge topic wise, if you see large proportion of green and blue color in this diagram this means that the candidate has good knowledge of the subject and should be hired for the job.

This section has been designed to give you a ratio of no. of questions attempted vs. No. of correct answers. 100% accuracy means all the attempted questions are right.

Speed Analysis
This section has been designed to judge the speed of the test taker and it has been calculated as No of question solved Vs time taken to solve them. Ideally 60 sec have been allotted for each question, the results for speed has been shown as
Above 60 Sec. per question:
About 60 Sec. per question:
46 to 58 Sec. per question:
Below 45 Sec. per question:
Very Fast

Accuracy Vs Speed Analysis
This section has been designed to give you a ratio of no. of questions attempted vs. No. of correct answers. 100% accuracy means all the attempted questions are right.
There are 5 Levels of work speed
- Very Slow
- Below Average
- Average
- Above Average
- Very Fast

Bottom-line is that Brainmeasures test and analysis report has been designed to give a detailed insight into candidate’s subject knowledge this empowers recruiters and hiring managers make right decisions for their organizations and they build teams that deliver.
What psychometric tests measure?
There is a battery of psychometric tests, some measure individual’s ability to understand the writtenword, or to reason with numbers. Others measure individual’s ability to solve mechanical problems, orfollow instructions accurately, or be able to understand data presented in a variety of ways. Personalityquestionnaires, assessing everything from motivation to leadership quality to working preferences
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What is format of psychometric tests?
ts 2023, so pencil and paper tests are not favored anymore, psychometric tests are conducted onlineand are always in format that of multiple-choice questionnaire. Result reports are generatedimmediately.
Learn MoreIndustries that take psychometric tests?
Psychometric tests have been used for decades in two main fields other than recruitment and these towfields are career guidance and education

Career Guidance
Psychometric tests are used to help individuals gain better understanding of their abilities, aptitudes, interests, and motivations, they are highly effective when choosing or changing a career.

Psychometric tests are used by many educational establishments to select the ablest pupils

Who uses psychometric tests?
Psychometric tests are used widely to recruit and retain staff by industrial and corporate houses, police, civil services, local authorities, armed forces, the fire services, financial institutions, retail sector companies, the motor industry, IT industry, management consulting, airlines, power industry, virtually every large or medium sized organizations use psychometric testing for recruiting.
Types of psychometric tests?
Primarily, there are 3 types of psychometric tests.
For Management jobs, you have to take four main types of test, which are
There are many other vocational related tests such as spatial reasoning, mechanical comprehension, fault diagnosis or accuracy tests.
Are psychometric tests fair?
Psychometric tests measure ability, and virtually all accredited psychometric tests which measure the many different aspects of personality, are devised by occupational psychologists. They are developed with an aim to provide reliable method of selecting best applicants and to design tests carefully so that they are as fair as possible. All psychometric tests, except personality tests, have clear right and wrong answers and are therefore free from interpretation bias found in the marking of essay-type exam are fair.

After getting job, do I still need to take psychometric tests.
Organizations that use psychometric tests to recruit use them later for internal team selection and career development of individual staff members.
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What you will learn?
- Answer this question is “PRACTICE”, Brainmeasures is one dedicated portal where you can practice as much as you want.
- Practice will familiarize you with different types of psychometric tests.
- Once you practice it takes away the fear factor.
- Since psychometric tests are timed, practice makes you used to working under time pressure.
- Train your brain to concentrate.
- Speeds you up.
- Enables you to gather confidence and understand your strengths and weaknesses.
Cheating – Is it possible?
Brainmeasures online exams are proctored, we offer human and automatic proctor exams, our proctor system is developed using advanced AI and ML technologies, this advanced system makes cheating impossible as it tracks your eye movement, typing speed, keystrokes, face and voice detection and much more.

Preparing for a psychometric test?
You will probably hear this a lot, “it is impossible to improve your score in a psychometric test.”

Don't pay any attention. It isn't true. Why?
As any other test psychometric test also a standard and a process and processes can be studied measures and improved. Brainmeasures psychometric practice platform for individuals is a scientifically designed platform developed in collaboration with experienced psychologists and test administrators. Brainmeasures practice tests will give candidates control over the process which in turn will significantly improve scores.
Psychometric Tests
Brainmeasures psychometric tests help employers access the knowledge, skills,and personality of candidates, helping avert costly hiring mistakes.
Big 6 Personality Online Tests
- Understand candidate's critical and logical thinking.
- Management Level Psychometric Assessment.
- Understand and learn his Behaviour pattern.

- Gaming Tests
- Data Interpretation
- Diagrammatic and Abstract Reasoning
Few people enjoy psychometric tests. Yet if psychometric tests are the major obstacle between you and your perfect job, it is worth spending some time learning how to get beyond this obstacle. You can be proactive in achieving your best score by practicing as much as you can.
Learn MoreRecruit and Retain best people for your organization, Brainmeasures psychometric testing battery is relevant and up-to-date.

Our Focus
Brainmeasures primary focus is on developing battery of psychometric tests used by the industry to select people best suited for professional positions, depending on the skills needed in the job.
Tests such as verbal aptitude tests, quantitative reasoning tests, personality questionnaires are used to check how an individual would react or behave in different situations, written exercises are used to demonstrate individuals’ written communication skills, and interviews to allow candidates’ to demonstrate oral communication skills.
Whether you are a hiring manager or an individual who is preparing for a job, Brainmeasures psychometric tests cover each and every aspect of psychometric testing used by big organizations for their selection procedure.
Learn MoreWhy Choose Brainmeasures Psychometric Assessment Platform.
Brainmeasures Psychometric Assessment Platform has been developed to help you prepare for the assessment and gain some practice and tips and techniques to enable you to achieve the best results you possibly can. With a little preparation you will be able to improve your score quite dramatically.
Peter Rhodes, renowned author of the Critical Verbal Reasoning, offers excellent guidance on the significant improvements that can be made in any psycho- metric test results. According to Peter Rhodes, psychometric tests are based on the assumption that they give only a glimpse or an estimate of someone's 'true score' and that their results are made up of their real level of ability plus some 'junk' factors. Junk factors' include anxiety, low expectations of success, lack of confidence, and so on, and these can all get in the way of you doing your best.
With Brainmeasures as your practice partner you can gain an edge and overcome all the difficulties and crack any kind of psychometric tests.

Hiring Managers
There are two ways in which you can use Brainmeasures Psychometric platform.
- As a stand-alone assessment which allows unfavorable candidates to be filtered out before the interview stage. If a candidate fails, they won't get a chance to put things right at the interview.
- As part of an overall assessment which includes an interview.
Evaluate, Hire and Retain best talent for your organization. Choose Brainmeasures Choose Perfection.

Brainmeasures Psychometric Testing

Psychometric tests are tests which aim to measure objectively a person’s ability or certain aspects of their personality. These tests provide objective information about different areas of candidates’ skills for example the extent of their knowledge, motivations, personality and potential.
Devised by occupational psychologists, aim of psychometric testing is to provide reliable method of selecting the best applicants using tests that are fair to all applicants.
The British Psychological Society defines a psychometric Tests as: ‘an instrument designed to produce a quantitative assessment of some psychological attribute or attributes.’
A psychometric test is used to evaluate a candidate's personality and cognitive skills. Psychometric testing can anticipate useful information from a candidate's reaction, such as job performance, competence, and motivations. Ability and personality tests are the two main categories of psychometric exams.
Types of Psychometric tests.
Main types of Psychometric Tests.
Two main types of psychometric tests are Personality Questionnaires and Aptitude Tests.
Personality refers to the patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behavior that are unique to each individual and these are characteristics that distinguish an individual from another. Personality implies the predictability of how one reacts under different circumstances.
A personality test is a device or instrument for assessing or evaluating personality. They are designed to measure attitudes, habits, and values.
Personality tests do not fall under the category of pass and fail.
Aptitude tests also known as intelligence tests are designed to give an objective assessment of the candidate’s ability in a number of disciplines such as verbal understanding, numeracy, logic, and spatial or diagrammatic reasoning skills.
Pass and fail apply to these tests. Intelligence tests or IQ tests are standardized after being given to many thousands of people and on average IQ 100 is established.
IQ is considered hereditary and it remains constant throughout life so it cannot be increased but performance can be improved with practice.
Employers use IQ tests to find out candidates’ ability to fit the required vacancy and these tests are also used to identify suitable jobs for people within an organization. These tests are useful to both the employer and the candidates in identifying strengths and weaknesses and thus help find the job for which the person is most suited.
There is a battery of psychometric tests, some measure an individual’s ability to understand the written word or to reason with numbers. Others measure an individual’s ability to solve mechanical problems, follow instructions accurately, or be able to understand data presented in a variety of ways. Personality questionnaires, assessing everything from motivation to leadership quality to working preferences.
Psychometric tests are used widely to recruit and retain staff by industrial and corporate houses, police, civil services, local authorities, armed forces, the fire services, financial institutions, retail sector companies, the motor industry, IT industry, management consulting, airlines, power industry, virtually every large or medium-sized organization use psychometric testing for recruiting.
What you'll get

In-Depth Report
Our In-depth report provides detailed insight and evaluation of candidates’ personality traits and cognitive skills helping you acquire, hire and retain best talent accurate job fit.

Result Forwarding
After the candidates finish the exam, recruiter will get the notification and receive an email with detailed performance analysis report of each candidate.

Easy Test Process
Brainmeasures psychometric assessment platform is easy to use clutter free, tests are conducted online and entire dashboard has been designed with an aim to help you hire and retain best talent for your organization.

24X7 Support
Our support team is available round the clock to help and assist in case you need any support or information, just hit the chat button and our representative will make sure all your queries are handled and resolved at earliest.
Psychometric Testing

Psychometric Tests
A psychometric test is not like a blood test where you have to just feel the discomfort of the needle. you have no control over the outcome of blood tests but in psychometric testing, you should be totally in control, which is achieved through hard work, systematic preparation, and a good test technique.

Why they are used for recruitment?
Employers use psychometric tests and questionnaires to obtain information not available from CVs, application forms and interviews. Used to ensure a fairer and informed employment decisions.

Types of Psychometric Tests
Psychometric tests are of various Types – Verbal Reasoning, Numerical Reasoning, Abstract Reasoning, Spatial Reasoning, Mechanical Reasoning, Fault Diagnosis, Accuracy Tests, Combination Tests, Personality Questionnaires.

Properties of standard Test
A good standard psychometric test must have three basic properties, in simple terms these properties are reliability, Validity and reasoning.

What do psychometric tests measure?
Psychometric tests are of various types and they measure individual’s ability to solve written word, reason with numbers, ability to solve mechanical problem, instruction following accuracy, data interpretation, personality tests and various other job and skill fit.

Who uses psychometric tests?
Psychometric tests are used almost in every sector to recruit and retain talent from police, civil services, armed forces, financial institutions, IT industry, management consultants, airlines, power industry ideally you don’t need to take a psychometric tests if you work for yourself, or else at some point of your career you will face these.

Can I fail a Psychometric Test?
Psychometric tests are used to check skills, aptitude and work approach ideally job and skill fit of a candidate, there is no pass fail but they are used to check ability and capability of a candidate if he(she) can handle job role and responsibilities because different jobs require different skills sometimes you will see a particular quality is considered as an asset for one job and same quality can be a deterrent in another.

Value of Preparation and Practice
Doing well in psychometric test is not only about intelligence, practice and preparation play a major role, and at Brainmeasures you can practice and prepare for psychometric tests. Brainmeasures has a battery of psychometric tests which can be used both by recruiters and individuals.

Benefits of psychometric tests
The use of psychometric tests is frequently seen as an accurate and consistent way to forecast an applicant's behaviour, determine whether they are a good fit for the position, and pinpoint their strengths and shortcomings in relation to those needs.
Hire Right, Grow your organizations talent pool.
Use Brainmeasures Psychometric assessment tools for Employee Development. Tic all right boxes – Check the parameters you need in your employee base.
Evaluate Cognitive Abilities
Assess & identify key personality traits that can influence cultural fitment, trainability and job performance.
Positive Personality Traits
In order to determine cultural fit, trainability, and work success, one must evaluate and identify essential personality qualities. This lays the foundation of right hiring.
Understand the Value Preferences
By assessing motivation, values, and preferences, one might learn what propels and inspires a person to accomplish at work, understand the core values and build great teams.

Understand the Value Preferences
By assessing motivation, values, and preferences, one might learn what propels and inspires a person to accomplish at work, understand the core values and build great teams.
Positive Personality Traits
In order to determine cultural fit, trainability, and work success, one must evaluate and identify essential personality qualities. This lays the foundation of right hiring.
Negative Personality Traits
Measure and determine the most unfavorable characteristics that affect the security of workers, clients, and the workplace culture as a whole.

Huge reservoir of Practice Questions
Developed by experts and experienced psychiatrists

Thousands of Psychometric tests taken each day
We understand the dynamics well.

Practice any number of time
Practice and perfect your skills and crack that job interview.

Develop your psychometric thinking muscle
Practice any number of times
Complete Battery of Psychometric Tests
Get all you need for psychometric testing at one place, choose Brainmeasures.
Tests for Practice
Psychometric Testing Tools To Help Build Successful Teams
Be on Point for the People Part of Your Business Equation!

Hire the Right Person
Hire the right cultural fit, with a blend of assessments tuned to find the perfect job fit.

Develop Employees Holistically
Identify key developmental areas for each employee to create a customised L&D roadmap.

Build Better Leaders
Groom leaders from employees today, to ensure the creation of a solid leadership pipeline for the future.
Information Rich, Visually Presentable Data Determined Reports
Reports that are insightful and easy to read and comprehend.
Explore Our Reports
Detailed, in-depth insightful reports

Using graphs for better comprehension

Role wise segregation of results

Universal reports
Brainmeasures Uses Industry-Leading Reliability and Validity Standards in Our Psychometric Tools
The Scientific Theories and Methods on which Brainmeasures Psychometric Assessment Tools are Based are Validated

All these factors play crucial role in hiring right canddiates that are right fit for the job.

Critical Thinking
A critical thinking test, also referred to as a critical reasoning test, measures candidates’ capacity to logically evaluate a situation and reach a conclusion by analyzing a situation, identify underlying presuppositions, formulate hypotheses, and assess arguments.

Iceberg Model
These tests reveal a lot about candidates’ personality in terms of a systems thinking tool, to identify the mental models, supporting structures, and behavioral patterns that underlie a specific occurrence.

Abstract Reasoning
A test that tests the candidates’ ability to comprehend and reason about intricate ideas that, while real, are unrelated to specific experiences, things, people, or situations is known as abstract thinking or abstract reasoning.

The Big Five Theory
The Big Five Model, also referred to as the Five-Factor Model, is a famous personality theory that describes personality as the play between five personality traits or factors. These factors or characteristics include openness to experience, conscientiousness, agreeableness, extraversion and neuroticism.
Aptitude tests

Working Fast, Working Hard: Speed Tests versus Power Tests
Two common styles of ability test are regularly used-speed and power tests.
They both measure your ability, but do so in different ways. This distinction doesn't apply in personality tests.
Speed tests - smarties fast!
Speed tests are often used for lower-level jobs. Speed tests ask you to complete a large number of quite easy questions, are strictly timed, (commonly lasting around 25 minutes), and can comprise anything up to 60 or more questions.

Power tests - intellectual muscle
You're more likely to come across power tests for higher-level jobs Power tests ask you a smaller number of much harder questions, each comprising some information followed by four or five related questions. These tests are more concerned with the quality of your performance.
Power tests often have generous time limits, because you're meant to take time arriving at the correct answer. Any time limit that does apply is often quite long (maybe an hour or more), and is based on the principle that if you haven't worked out the right answers by then, you never will! The key here is to fully digest the information presented first. Don't rush in and start answering questions straight away. Power tests are about quality rather than speed.
Make sure that you understand the nature of any time limit you're given for a test, and whether that limit is fixed or just given to you as a guide.
Seeing How Tests Are Used in Practice
These days you may easily think that everyone uses metric tests! Historically, tests tended to be the sole preserve of Human Resources (HR) staff, but nowadays you're just as likely to find testing being used by a non-HR manager within a psychometric Test results are often considered by a wider range of people than just the HR department to ensure that the company recruits the right person for the job.

Why do businesses adopt psychometric tests?
Test results and job success are strongly correlated. It is likely that you will perform well on the job if you have a high psychometric test result.
This predictive capability of psychometric testing makes them very alluring to employers. Psychometric tests have become standard practice, particularly for graduate hiring, when you consider that they can be carried out swiftly and effectively on a wide scale.
Let's examine some of the main advantages of psychometric testing for hiring in more detail

Making hiring decisions only based on interviews and reviewing resumes may result in snap judgements. Due to the fact that all applicants take the same uniform test, psychometric testing eliminates the subjective character of decision-making and provides justice that is devoid of bias and discrimination.

Psychometric testing enables a hiring organisation to evaluate candidates' capacities for information analysis, problem-solving, and making well-informed decisions, as well as examine their behavioral patterns. The employing organisation may quickly compare applications to identify the most qualified by having access to this data on all applicants.

Even smaller businesses receive hundreds to thousands of applications for available positions, and the time required to fairly sort through all of them is far too great. Using psychometric testing, businesses can dramatically cuts down the applicant pool to a manageable chunk.
Brainmeasures The Five Main Personality Traits
Explore DetailsPersonality Trait | Behaviours Associated with a High Trait Score | Behaviours Associated with a Low Trait Score |
Extra Version | Externally focused, outgoing | Internally focused, reflective |
Spability | High self-esteem, calm, relaxed | Low self-esteem, anxious, worrying |
Thinking style | Task focused, logical, mechanical | Sensitive, creative, strategic |
Frequently Asked Questions
Each psychometric test can offer you as a recruitment expert a different view of how a person exhibits a particular skill or ability. Psychometric exams can aid recruiters in assessing a candidate's abilities, personality, and motivation.
A psychometric test is any activity or evaluation used to examine a candidate's performance. It can analyze a candidate's skills, knowledge, abilities, personality traits, attitudes, and potential for employment or academic success, among other things.
Employers choose psychometric tests to evaluate the cultural and personality fitment of potential employees. Psychometric testing enables employers to select employees who would fit a particular job role and continue in the company for extended periods. It is one of the most pertinent challenges for recruiters to assess their domain skills and personality traits and tendencies. The benefits of psychometric testing are unquestionable, not just in recruitment but also in training and development, high-potential identification, leadership development, succession planning, and other dimensions of workforce management.
Personality inventories, aptitude tests, reasoning evaluations, and motivation surveys are all examples of psychometric exams. These assessments aim to add objectivity to measurements that might otherwise be subjective.
Psychometric tests examine an individual's capabilities and preferences, to provide data that can help assess a candidate's “fit” for a role and organization.
An employer can utilize a variety of examinations, such as verbal reasoning, logical reasoning, situational judgment, and numerical reasoning, to assess a candidate's suitability for a position. Every test offers a different viewpoint on how a person exhibits a particular skill or talent.
They assist employers in locating the candidates most qualified for a specific position. check to discover if candidates' personality fits their corporate culture, without having to conduct in-depth interviews.
Psychometric tests are uniform assessments created by psychologists to gauge mental capacity. They aid in determining your personality and potential. Psychometric tests are used by employers as part of the hiring process to assist them decide which candidates are most suited for a given position.
Intelligence, Aptitude, and personality are three types of psychometric assessments.
hello this is a Editing purpose for Faq
Validity, Reliability, and Item Response theory are three fundamental elements of psychometrics.
The Big Five personality test, often referred to as the OCEAN personality test, is based on the Big Five model, which says that human personality is made up of a combination of five personality qualities or factors: openness, conscientiousness, agreeableness, extraversion, and neuroticism (hence the name OCEAN).
Psychometric measures like IQ tests only measure a portion of the many various "intelligence" or "systems of abilities," leaving out skills like social, emotional, and moral intelligence as well as lateral and brilliant thinking.
Two main type of psychometric tests used are personality questionnaires and Aptitude tests
Personality refers to the patterns of thought, feeling and behavior that are unique to every individual and they distinguish one individual from another. Hiring managers and recruiters use various personality tests and aptitude tests to find the job and personality fit. Check the list below
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