Non-Verbal Reasoning, Mechanical comprehension And Data Interpretation Test

Non-Verbal Reasoning, Mechanical comprehension And Data Interpretation


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What is Non-Verbal Reasoning, Mechanical comprehension And Data Interpretation?

Non-Verbal Reasoning, Mechanical comprehension And Data Interpretation assess a candidate's ability to handle and interpret numerical data. You will be required to analyse and draw conclusions from the data, which may be presented in the form of tables or graphs.

The tests are timed and in a multiple choice format. Abstract Reasonings differ from the sort of numerical tests you may be familiar with from GCSE or A level exams. The tests you will face are designed to measure your ability to problem solve, often mimicing the type of analysis you will be required to undertake in your future role e.g. Comparing the productivity of two different branches of a company. This type of workplace numerical data can often be tricky to understand if you are not familiar with it, so it's extremely important to take practice tests to familiarize yourself with these beforehand.

Why Non-Verbal Reasoning, Mechanical comprehension And Data Interpretation is Important
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