Lean-Waste in Digital Solution Extra Processing

In a time when digital solutions rule the roost, businesses in all sectors are alwayslooking for methods to improve productivity, cut down on waste, and streamlineoperations. The idea of "lean," which was first applied to several corporate areasafter being drawn from manufacturing processes, is one of the fundamentalconcepts in this endeavor. The topic of lean waste in digital solutions is explored inthis essay, with a particular emphasis on additional processing—a feature thatsometimes goes overlooked but has a big impact on the overall effectiveness ofdigital processes.

Measurement Systems Evaluation

Understanding Lean Principles

Lean concepts, which come from the well-known Toyota Production System, place a strong emphasis on removing waste to improve value delivery. These guidelines involve recognizing and getting rid of waste in a variety of ways, including extra inventory, motion, waiting times, needless travel, overprocessing, overproduction, and flaws. The objective is to reduce time and resource consumption, maximize customer value, and optimize operations.

Knowing about Lean Wastes

Any activity or process inside a system that uses resources without providing value to the final good or service is referred to as lean waste, or "muda" in Japanese. Finding and getting rid of lean waste is even more important in the world of digital solutions, where speed and efficiency are crucial.

Lean Waste in Digital Solutions

The lean concepts apply equally to the digital environment. Extra processing is a type of waste that describes the needless actions and time invested in developing digital solutions that don't benefit the user. This might show up as over- engineering, complicated procedures, and redundant tasks, all of which lead to inefficiency.

Identifying Extra Processing in Digital Solutions

Redundant Features and Code

  • Digital solutions frequently amass superfluous code or features that are useless.
  • Teams may add features that aren't necessary, which increases complexity without increasing value in the line.

Complex Processes

  • Workflows that are too complex might be confusing and slow down production.
  • Extra processing is caused by drawn-out approval procedures, numerous handoffs, and complicated decision-making pathways


  • When developers apply intricate fixes for straightforward issues, digital solutions may suffer from over-engineering.
  • As a result, more time, energy, and resources are used without producing the desired results.

Addressing Extra Processing

Refactoring and Code Review
  • Frequent code reviews can assist in finding and removing features and code that are superfluous.
  • Refactoring is the process of reorganizing code to make it more manageable and efficient without changing the way it behaves externally
Keeping Simplicity and Functionality in Check
  • To prevent over-engineering, emphasize functionality and design simplicity.
  • Efficiency depends on finding a balance between offering the essential elements and keeping things simple.
Streamlined Processes
  • Workflows can be made more efficient by identifying and removing phases that aren't necessary.
  • Teams should thoroughly assess procedures to make sure every stage provides value and eliminates any unnecessary steps.

Extra Processing in Digital Solutions

In the context of digital solutions, "extra processing" refers to any extraneous or superfluous stages and activities that don't improve the end good or service. These could show up as overly convoluted workflows, superfluous validation checks, or duplicate data entry, among other things.

Redundant Data Entry:

Users may find themselves repeatedly entering the same data across many modules or interfaces in numerous digital solutions. In addition to wasting time, this repetitive data entry raises the possibility of mistakes, which could result in flaws in the finished product.

Unnecessary Validation Checks:

Although validation checks are essential to guarantee the accuracy of data, doing too many of them can result in additional processing. For example, a system slows down and adds complexity if it validates the same data point more than often without generating much more value.

Overly Complicated Workflows:

Digital solutions frequently change over time, and the workflow may get more complicated with each addition or alteration. Workflows that are too complex lead to additional processing because they include pointless procedures, decision-making stages, or data transformations that don't improve the final product or service.

The Impact of Extra Processing

The effects of additional processing in digital solutions are extensive and have the potential to seriously obstruct the development of organizations. Among the noteworthy effects are:

Decreased Efficiency:

Overprocessing inevitably results in longer cycle times and a delay in the delivery of the finished good or service. This decrease in production is due to a decline in efficiency, which also impairs the organization's capacity to promptly meet client requests.


The additional time, labor, and computing power used for further processing adds to the overall cost of operations. Businesses aiming for profitability and cost-effectiveness need to confront and get rid of this wasteful spending.

Reduced Customer happiness:

Any delays or inefficiencies brought on by additional processing might have a detrimental effect on customer happiness at a time when the user experience is a critical differentiator. Customers anticipate quick and easy interactions with digital solutions; any delays or hiccups in this regard could result in a loss of business.

Benefits of Extra Processing Optimization

Refactoring and Code Review

  • Frequent code reviews can assist in finding and removing features and code that are superfluous
  • Refactoring is the process of reorganizing code to make it more manageable and efficient without changing the way it behaves externally.

Streamlined Processes

  • Workflows can be made more efficient by identifying and removing phases that aren't necessary.
  • Teams should thoroughly assess procedures to make sure every stage provides value and eliminates any unnecessary steps.

Keeping Simplicity and Functionality in Check

  • To prevent over-engineering, emphasize functionality and design simplicity.
  • Efficiency depends on finding a balance between offering the essential elements and keeping things simple.

Lean Waste in Digital Solution Extra Processing in Six Sigma

Success in the ever-changing world of digital solutions is mostly dependent on efficacy and efficiency. Globally, businesses are increasingly using techniques like Six Sigma to improve overall performance and streamline their operations. The identification and removal of waste to achieve optimal resource utilization is one of the fundamental tenets of Six Sigma.

Eight Lean Wastes in Six Sigma

The idea of "Eight Wastes," which was first included in the Toyota Production System, is essential to locating and getting rid of process inefficiencies in the Six Sigma approach. Let us examine every one of the Eight Wastes within the Six Sigma framework:



Errors or faults in a process that lead to subpar goods or services are referred to as defects. In the context of Six Sigma, defect reduction is the main goal. Errors may result in more work, higher expenses, and unhappy customers. Six Sigma uses statistical tools and techniques to reduce errors and improve overall quality.



When more goods or services are produced than what customers require, this is known as overproduction. Increased carrying costs and the possibility of out-of-date products can result from excess inventory and pointless production processes. Six Sigma seeks to minimize waste caused by overproduction by optimizing production levels to correspond with real customer needs.



This term is used to describe the inactive time during which machinery and labor are not being used in a process. Lead times may lengthen and efficiency may decline as a result of this outage. To improve overall productivity and streamline operations, Six Sigma places a strong emphasis on detecting and eliminating waiting times.


Non-Utilized Talent:

This refers to the workforce's underutilization of its skills and abilities. Six Sigma acknowledges that employee knowledge and skills play a critical role in an organization's performance. To address underutilized talent, it is necessary to match assignments to employees' areas of competence, promote a continuous improvement culture, and offer opportunities for skill development.



The unnecessary movement of materials or information inside a process is referred to as transportation waste. Overhandling, storing, or moving something too much can result in damage and higher expenses. The goal of Six Sigma is to maximize information and material flow, reduce needless transportation, and raise overall process efficiency.



Keeping an excessive amount of inventory ties up important funds and resources and is a major waste. It may result in higher carrying costs, storage costs, and obsolescence risk. Six Sigma seeks to increase overall supply chain efficiency and lower inventory levels by putting just-in- time ideas into practice.



Within a process, motion waste refers to needless physical movements or actions. Overmovement can result in tiredness, mistakes, and a reduction in productivity. Redesigning processes to reduce needless motion and improve ergonomics is the main goal of Six Sigma, which helps create a safer and more productive workplace.


Extra Processing:

In a process, extra processing refers to stages that are superfluous or redundant and do not improve the final good or service. It may be the consequence of unnecessarily complicated workflows, pointless validation tests, or duplicate data entering. Six Sigma seeks to improve overall efficiency, lower operating costs, and discover and eliminate unnecessary operations to streamline processes.

Implementing Six Sigma to Eliminate Extra Processing

Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve, Control (DMAIC) is an organized process for locating, evaluating, and getting rid of waste in Six Sigma projects. The following actions can be performed concerning further processing of digital solutions:


Clearly outline the digital solution's scope as well as the particular procedures that you believe may require additional processing. Set quantifiable goals, such as cutting down on cycle times or improving data accuracy.


Examine process metrics to determine the amount of additional processing. Cycle times, mistake rates, and resource usage are a few examples of this. To find areas for improvement, compare these KPIs to industry norms or best practices.


Identify any instances of unnecessary processing by thoroughly examining the workflow of the digital solution. Work together with developers, other stakeholders, and end users to understand the underlying reasons behind these inefficiencies.


Make specific changes to reduce or eliminate procedures that lead to unnecessary processing. This could entail streamlining processes, automating pointless chores, or improving data validation protocols. Make sure that the organization's general goals and objectives are in line with the improvements.


To maintain the gains obtained, put in place safeguards and monitoring systems. This could involve doing routine performance evaluations, putting up alarms for any deviations, and offering continual training to make sure that the staff is still in line with the streamlined procedures.

Case Study: Streamlining Data Entry in a CRM System

Imagine a situation where redundant data entry is causing unnecessary processing in a customer relationship management (CRM) system. An organization that used the Six Sigma technique determined the following important areas for improvement:


Clearly state the parameters of the CRM system as well as the particular steps involved in data entry. Set goals like cutting down on error rates and the amount of time spent entering data.


Examine data entry metrics, such as the amount of time required to enter information and the frequency of errors. Compare these parameters to the norms in the industry.


Work with CRM users to pinpoint unnecessary data input requirements and understand their pain spots. Examine the design of the system to find places where data synchronization might be improved.


Reduce the requirement for human data entry by implementing system enhancements to automate data synchronization between modules. Simplify validation tests to remove unnecessary verifications and concentrate on important data elements.


To guarantee ongoing progress, periodically check data entry metrics. Users should receive training on the newest features of the system, and regular reviews should be carried out to address any new problems.


Organizations need to put efficiency and effectiveness first in the age of digitaltransformation if they want to remain competitive. Achieving operationalexcellence requires identifying and eliminating lean waste, especially excessiveprocesses, using techniques like Six Sigma. Organizations may streamline theiroperations, cut costs, and improve customer satisfaction by recognizing the effectsof additional processing in digital solutions and putting targeted improvements intoplace. This will eventually pave the path for long-term success in the digital age.