

Critical Thinking Strategies Course l Training l Certification Course

Course Fee : $ 19.99

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What is critical thinking?

Critical thinking is the process of analyzing available facts, evidence, observations, and arguments in order to form an opinion. The topic is complicated; numerous definitions exist, but they all contain a reasoned, skeptical, and unbiased investigation or evaluation of factual facts. Self-directed, self-monitored, self-disciplined, and self-corrective thinking is critical thinking. It requires agreement to strong criteria of excellence and careful command of their application. It necessitates strong communication and problem-solving skills, as well as a determination to transcend innate egocentrism and sociocentrism.

The intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from or generated by observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication as a guide to belief and action is known as critical thinking. It is built on universal intellectual ideals that transcend subject matter divisions in its exemplary form: clarity, accuracy, precision, consistency, relevance, sound evidence, good reasoning, depth, breadth, and fairness.

History of Critical thinking

Plato's recordings of Socrates' teachings are the earliest examples of critical thinking. These featured a section of Plato's early dialogues in which Socrates debates with one or more interlocutors on ethical issues such as whether it was proper for Socrates to escape from prison. The philosopher considered and reflected on this subject, and reached the conclusion that escaping violates everything he regards higher than himself: Athens' laws and the guiding voice that Socrates claims to hear.

Socrates demonstrated that one cannot rely on individuals in "authority" to have sound knowledge and insight. He illustrated that people with power and position can be terribly confused and unreasonable. Socrates thought that in order to have a good or worthwhile existence, one must be a critical questioner and possess an interrogative soul. Before we accept ideas as worthy of belief, he demonstrated the significance of asking deep inquiries that delve deeply into thought.


What are the components of critical thinking?

Critical thinking has three components. The first is thought structure. We can detect mistakes in our thinking more easily if we can disassemble our thoughts.

The second category is thinking standards. It is impossible to assess the quality of one's thinking if there are no standards to compare it to.

The third factor is ethics. As mature thinkers, we should learn to notice errors in our own thinking as well as in the thinking of others, or we can direct our criticism toward the thinking of others. To become a truly critical thinkers, we must cultivate a sense of fairness and apply the sting of our critique equitably.

Critical thinking comes as a result of thought examination and evaluation. As a result, we must be able to disassemble thinking and examine how each component is used. We can then judge each stage of the thought process using standards and their application using intellectual ethics.


Why critical thinking is important?

In effect, critical thinking allows us to assess the level of our true understanding (knowledge). It demonstrates what we know and doesn't know about a topic by demonstrating the existence and severity of assumptions and information gaps.

Critical thinkers understand everyone's proclivity for lazy thinking and make an attempt to 'think hard.' The unexpected result of critical thinking is that it demonstrates our level of ignorance rather than our grasp of a subject.

For most people, such an inverse approach to problem analysis is unnatural. People have a natural desire to utilize their analysis to reinforce their initial choices and comfort themselves that they were correct all along.

What are the benefits of critical thinking?

It piques people's interest.

Curiosity exists to assist us in gaining a better grasp of not only the world around us but also the things that are important inside our experience of that world. This includes issues taught in school as well as those that we find relevant in our daily lives.

Effective critical thinkers maintain a wide variety of interests and remain intrigued about a wide range of topics. They retain curiosity about the world and about people, and they comprehend and appreciate the cultures, ideas, and points of view that are a shared characteristic of our humanity. This is also a factor in their ability to be lifelong learners.

It boosts creativity.

We've surveyed educators all over the world about the most crucial skills kids need to flourish outside of school. It's encouraging to see that encouraging student creativity is near the top of the list. In fact, it's ranked second, just below problem-solving. Without a doubt, good critical thinkers are also substantially creative thinkers.

Creativity has clearly established itself as a necessary ability in today's collaborative workforce. In business, marketing, and professional partnerships, critical thinking is strongly reliant on one's capacity to be creative. Businesses succeed in the global economy when they get inventive with their products and how they are presented.

It improves problem-solving abilities.

Those who think critically are natural problem solvers. This is arguably the most critical ability we can assist our students to develop. Today's students will be tomorrow's leaders, facing complicated challenges while employing critical thinking skills to devise inventive solutions.

It promotes independence.

One of the primary aims of education is to encourage our students to think for themselves. When pupils think for themselves, they learn to be self-sufficient. In this sense, our role as educators is to empower our pupils to the point where we become essentially irrelevant. This process is repeated year after year, student after student, and the instant after moment as we instill in those we teach independent thinking and responsibility for learning.

Why Brainmeasures?

Brainmeasures is an ISO-certified company that offers you high-end certification courses and many other services to boost your career. We hire experienced and qualified experts to create in-depth and prominent content courses to train our learners whether they are amateurs or have some experience in the field. We provide the best courses to offer you top-notch skills with a broad scope.

All of the services provided by Brainmeasures are offered at a very minimal and reasonable price. We also provide considerable discounts on various skills and courses to make them affordable for everyone.

At Brainmeasures, you will be provided with high-end courses after which you can get a hard copy certificate. You only have to clear a test and you will get a certificate that assures you a bright future by securing your job. You will be hired by great companies in no time.

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Course Syllabus

Getting Started 11 lectures 17 mins
Introduction Preview 01:42
Welcome guide document 10 Pages
Some title goes here Preview 07:42
Some title goes here Preview 01:42
Welcome guide document 10 Pages
Some title goes here 07:42
2 Some title goes here 07:42
Hello Some title goes here 07:42
This is Some title goes here 07:42
Some title goes here Preview 01:42
Welcome guide document 10 Pages
Some title goes here 07:42
2 Some title goes here 07:42
Hello Some title goes here 07:42
This is Some title goes here 07:42
Some title goes here Preview 01:42
Welcome guide document 10 Pages
Some title goes here 07:42
2 Some title goes here 07:42
Hello Some title goes here 07:42
This is Some title goes here 07:42
Some title goes here Preview 01:42
Welcome guide document 10 Pages
Some title goes here 07:42
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Hello Some title goes here 07:42
This is Some title goes here 07:42
Some title goes here Preview 01:42
Welcome guide document 10 Pages
Some title goes here 07:42
2 Some title goes here 07:42
Hello Some title goes here 07:42
This is Some title goes here 07:42

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The video online course is well-structured and comprehensive.


The topics are organized in proper sequence to enable the candidate understand them easily.


Easy to understand and implement in real life.


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    • ENROLL FOR Critical Thinking Strategies Course l Training l Certification Course - VIDEO COURSE AND CERTIFICATION PROGRAM
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    • Online Video course by Highly qualified Trainers.
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I am very happy with the guidance and help provided by experienced and helpful tutors from Brainmeasures and this video online course is very straightforward and explains all the topics in detail thereby enabling you to understand the subject and gain an in-depth knowledge about all the concepts of Six Sigma.

Ritika Sawhney

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