

ASP.NET Core I NET 5 I Web API I Training I Certification

Course Fee : $ 19.99

Reviews : (29927)



What will you learn from this course?

Create a full.NET Core (.NET 5) backend with Web API, Entity Framework Core, and SQL Database.

In your database, learn to use all three types of relationships: one-on-one, one-on-many, and many-on-many

How to Programmatically seed data with code-first migrations

Learn To work with simple or relational data, use the [HTTP Get], [Http Post], [HTTP Put], and [HTTP Delete] methods.

Swagger and Postman can be used to test your Web API.

Various Web API versioning approaches

The default action return types and how to customize your own

On the server-side Paging, Sorting, and Filtering

Seri log Unit for Asp Net Core Web API Logging API Endpoints and Services Testing

What is API?

API is an abbreviation for Application Programming Interface. API is a type of interface that has a set of functions. These routines will enable programmers to obtain specific features or data from an application.

Web API, as the name implies, is an API that can be accessed via the web using the HTTP protocol. It is a framework for creating and developing HTTP-based RESTFUL services. Web APIs can be created utilizing various technologies such as Java, ASP.NET, and others. Web API can be accessed via a web server or a web browser. Web API is essentially a web development idea. It is restricted to the client side of Web Applications and does not include information about a web server or a web browser. Web API services are utilized when an application is to be used on a distributed system and to deliver services on various devices such as laptops, mobile phones, and so on. Web API is a more advanced version of a web application.

ASP.NET Web API: ASP.NET is an abbreviation for Active Server Pages. NET. It is mostly used for the development of web pages and web technologies. It is regarded as a critical tool for developers who create dynamic web pages in languages such as C# and Visual Basic. ASP.NET Web API is a framework that allows you to construct services by making it simple to reach a wide range of clients such as browsers, mobile devices, and tablets. You may use the same framework and techniques for constructing web pages and services with the aid of ASP.NET.

Why should we use API?

Web API services are preferred to other services when working with a native application that does not support SOAP but requires web services.

Web API services are the greatest option for developing resource-oriented services. These services are established by using HTTP or a restful service.

Web API services are beneficial if you want good performance and quick creation of services.

Online API services are incredibly beneficial for designing lightweight and maintainable web applications. It supports any text pattern, such as JSON, XML, and so on.

Web API services are suitable for devices that have limited bandwidth or those that have restrictive bandwidth.

What is ASP.NET Core?

ASP.NET Core is a free and open-source web framework that is the successor to ASP.NET. It is a modular framework that runs on both the full.NET Framework and the cross-platform. NET. However, ASP.NET Core version 3 only works on.NET Core, no longer supporting the.NET Framework.

The framework is a comprehensive overhaul that combines the previously distinct ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET Web API programming models into a unified programming model.

Despite the fact that it is a new framework built on a new web stack, it has a high degree of concept compatibility with ASP.NET. The ASP.NET Core framework offers side-by-side versioning, which allows several apps created on the same system to target various versions of ASP.NET Core. This is not allowed with older ASP.NET versions.


What are the benefits of ASP.NET?

NET Core is multi-platform.

When you begin developing an application, you already have a few elements in place.

Because the market and your budget are not linear, but rather always evolving and changing, you must be able to quickly modify your business. If you need to accommodate more users at the same time, you may find yourself in a position where you need to add more resources to servers - which means a larger investment in infrastructure on your part. You might be able to avoid this by switching from Windows to Linux hosting.

.NET is a framework that is portable and runnable.

The .Net framework has been re-invented, and what was formerly restricted to Windows is now officially portable and runnable on nearly every platform. You have a wide range of hosting options, including macOS, Linux, Windows, and Docker. If your business requires it, you may quickly migrate to another platform.

With.Net Core 2.2, you'll even be able to programmatically establish your own server, with all the power and responsibility that entails in terms of security and reliability. It will contain only the capabilities you require, providing you with the most flexibility available on the market by eliminating any provider-facing dependencies.


.NET Core is free and open source.

Open-Source Framework Advantages

Open-source projects are free of bureaucracy and command-and-control development mindsets, and they benefit from rapid release cycles, ample support, and cutting-edge tooling. This is due to the user distribution and the lock-free. This is as Agile as it gets, with many best practices, real-world use cases and scenarios, and vibrant and current development procedures.

Most of the major difficulties have already been resolved, and developers should stop spinning the wheel and instead focus on business cases, shifting to higher-value work with a strong customer focus and business domain expertise.


Expected Salary of ASP.NET Developer?

Average ASP.NET Developer pay in the United States is $72,230, however, the salary range frequently ranges between $62,494 and $82,865.

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Brainmeasures is an ISO-certified company that offers high-end certification courses and many other services to boost your career. We hire experienced and qualified experts to create in-depth and prominent content courses to train our learners whether they are amateurs or have some experience in the field. We provide the best courses to offer top-notch skills with a broad scope.

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Course Syllabus

Getting Started 11 lectures 17 mins
Introduction Preview 01:42
Welcome guide document 10 Pages
Some title goes here Preview 07:42
Some title goes here Preview 01:42
Welcome guide document 10 Pages
Some title goes here 07:42
2 Some title goes here 07:42
Hello Some title goes here 07:42
This is Some title goes here 07:42
Some title goes here Preview 01:42
Welcome guide document 10 Pages
Some title goes here 07:42
2 Some title goes here 07:42
Hello Some title goes here 07:42
This is Some title goes here 07:42
Some title goes here Preview 01:42
Welcome guide document 10 Pages
Some title goes here 07:42
2 Some title goes here 07:42
Hello Some title goes here 07:42
This is Some title goes here 07:42
Some title goes here Preview 01:42
Welcome guide document 10 Pages
Some title goes here 07:42
2 Some title goes here 07:42
Hello Some title goes here 07:42
This is Some title goes here 07:42
Some title goes here Preview 01:42
Welcome guide document 10 Pages
Some title goes here 07:42
2 Some title goes here 07:42
Hello Some title goes here 07:42
This is Some title goes here 07:42

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ASP.NET Core I NET 5 I Web API I Training I Certification

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I am very happy with the guidance and help provided by experienced and helpful tutors from Brainmeasures and this video online course is very straightforward and explains all the topics in detail thereby enabling you to understand the subject and gain an in-depth knowledge about all the concepts of Six Sigma.

Ritika Sawhney

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