

Raspberry Pi Full Stack Course

Course Fee : $ 19.99

Reviews : (870457)



I have decided to develop a simple IoT (internet of things) project using Python and Raspberry pi. When you know that, I am sure that, it will be easy for you to learn about various concepts in programming. If not now then when you are planning to get started in programming. One important thing is before you read this article, you need to understand what raspberry pi does. You should take Brainmeasures Raspberry Pi Full Stack Course to learn everything about this modern device.

What is Raspberry Pi?

Raspberry pi is a single-board computer. It has been designed so that a single board can contain more computing units with different types of CPUs. The process of developing such devices is referred to as RISC processing or Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC for short). RISC was developed by Intel Corporation in 1997. It was initially used to control microcontrollers. With time and innovation from different manufacturers, more features were added to make such devices much easier to program and run. The introduction of raspberry pi reduced many challenges faced by software engineers who wanted to write programs for these devices.

The idea behind the creation of raspberry pi is its ability to run complex programs. We use a python programming language to build applications for our raspberry pi. A programmer writes codes for a function and calls the function to perform various tasks. For instance, if a user program is to calculate the distance between two locations on earth, it’s coded into a code that runs on raspberry pi.

Here are a few advantages of having an IoT system using the raspberry pi:

There are several versions of raspberry pi including the 2.7 GHz version and 3.2 GHz version. These versions support different operating systems including Linux. A programmer doesn’t have to write codes for every type of CPU within raspberry pi. Instead, a programmer can simply call functions that are defined in an application and pass data from one type to another. In addition, programmers can make changes according to their needs without worrying about writing the entire program for every type of processor.

There are plenty of packages that are available on the internet that help in creating and running mobile apps. Apps that are created using any type of OS are just a matter of changing code into different components that are necessary for the app. Some of them are: google play, an apple app, firebase, etc.

With the introduction of raspberry pi, there is no reason to wait for long to release your next app. At the moment, there are numerous packages available for beginners to complete their first mobile app. There are more than 1500 apps available today. They include everything from Facebook Messenger Chatbots to Pokemon Go Adventure.

If your goal in getting started as a developer is to create custom apps but don’t want to hire someone to do it, no problem at all! Customizing your apps can speed up development and take your work to the next level. You can customize your apps by using the same functions that your code makes.

First and foremost, what a starter kit looks like:

Before starting your journey to become a great coder, you must decide where to start. Do you want to learn to write apps for different devices around the world? Or would you prefer to follow tutorials and watch tutorials online?

Don't worry about that, Brainmeasure is here to serve you with its in-depth and expert-created courses. These courses will ease the method to learn raspberry pi. It will provide you with everything you need to learn this technology.

If you’ve decided to be a coder, then here are the steps you need to accomplish:

Get familiar with some programming languages that work well with the raspberry pi. These are Python, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, TypeScript, JavaScript, REST API, etc. Learn more technical details on other advanced programming languages. Understand and familiarize yourself with the hardware necessary for coding including raspberry pi. How to install and manage code. Start learning html5. Understand the fundamentals of HTML5. Create your first page using HTML5. Developing apps using HTML5 requires extensive knowledge that takes months to gain. Try Google Play and Apple App Store for getting started. Find out the libraries and tools necessary for building web pages. Building web pages requires extensive knowledge of HTML5 that takes several levels. Build your website using HTML5 and the appropriate technologies. Test your sites using different development platforms. Ensure that your sites are accessible to different browsers. Develop your web pages with Firefox or Chrome. Launch your first webpage and see how well you did. Make improvements as needed and launch frequently updated new pages.

So, the above techniques should be used to master raspberry pi. What will you do if say that everything you need will be provided to you in only one package? Yes, it is possible with Brainmeasures. It will provide you with everything from basics to advance and from practice to test.

Expected salary for Brainmeasures raspberry pi certification holder:

Brainmeasures' certified Raspberry Pi professionals, have great earning potential and distinction. The average annual salary for those who hold various positions in administrative, analytical, and educational domains in various organizations is around $75,000-$100,000 per year.

Benefits of taking this course from Brainmeasures:

Because the Raspberry Pi is a new and widely popular computer system in schools and businesses due to its portability and support for numerous devices, it provides an opportunity to get hands-on experience with the Raspberry Pi infrastructure and working environment. The Brainmeasures Raspberry Pi certification program is an excellent alternative for anyone interested in learning and knowing more about this computing system. It's a Brainmeasures online certification course that will help you become an expert and master at using Raspberry Pi and its multi-support functions efficiently and successfully.

This certification course also includes an online exam, through which you will be able to assess your abilities in using the Raspberry Pi platform. Candidates will be awarded the coveted Raspberry Pi certificate from Brainmeasures after completing the course and exam, demonstrating their knowledge and abilities that they will improve during the course. Finally, this certificate will add to your list of talents on your resume, allowing you to make more money or acquire better job prospects.

The Raspberry Pi certification program is meant to provide the greatest knowledge and drafting skills for use not just on a PC but also on other devices. Users of desktop, laptop, mobile phone, and tablet computers with various supported technologies are among the many beneficiaries of this credential program. It is aimed towards computer system designers, users, operating system users on various devices, computer programmers, computer applications developers, businessmen, home users, IT specialists, academic staff, researchers, students, and people from all types of businesses.

Job opportunities after completing this course:

After completing the Brainmeasures Raspberry Pi Certification Program, there are a variety of job opportunities available.

This certification program is growing at a breakneck pace, with demand and usage skyrocketing. The following designations are available to certificate holders:

Raspberry Pi Computer System Expert

Certified Expert of Raspberry Pi

Mentor of Raspberry Pi Computer System

Certified Raspberry Pi System Analyst

Office Management Expert in Raspberry Pi

Education Through Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi Expert Designer

and much more.

Why Brainmeasures?

Brainmeasures is an ISO-certified company that offers you high-end certification courses and many other services to boost your career. We hire experienced and qualified experts to create in-depth and prominent content courses to train our learners whether they are amateurs or have some experience in the field. We provide the best courses to offer you top-notch skills with a broad scope.

All services provided by Brainmeasures are offered at a reasonable price. We also provide considerable discounts on various skills and courses to make them affordable for everyone.

At Brainmeasures, You will be provided with high-end courses after which you can get a hard copy certificate. You only have to clear a test and you will get a certificate which assures you a bright future by securing your job. You will be hired by great companies in no time.

There are also many other facilities and features provided by Brainmeasures. To check these services click on the following links:

5000 Skills tests

3000+ PDF Courses (Technical and Non-Technical)

2000+ Video Courses (Technical and Non-Technical)

Proctored Exams

Employee Testing and Hiring

API exchange

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Course Syllabus

Getting Started 11 lectures 17 mins
Introduction Preview 01:42
Welcome guide document 10 Pages
Some title goes here Preview 07:42
Some title goes here Preview 01:42
Welcome guide document 10 Pages
Some title goes here 07:42
2 Some title goes here 07:42
Hello Some title goes here 07:42
This is Some title goes here 07:42
Some title goes here Preview 01:42
Welcome guide document 10 Pages
Some title goes here 07:42
2 Some title goes here 07:42
Hello Some title goes here 07:42
This is Some title goes here 07:42
Some title goes here Preview 01:42
Welcome guide document 10 Pages
Some title goes here 07:42
2 Some title goes here 07:42
Hello Some title goes here 07:42
This is Some title goes here 07:42
Some title goes here Preview 01:42
Welcome guide document 10 Pages
Some title goes here 07:42
2 Some title goes here 07:42
Hello Some title goes here 07:42
This is Some title goes here 07:42
Some title goes here Preview 01:42
Welcome guide document 10 Pages
Some title goes here 07:42
2 Some title goes here 07:42
Hello Some title goes here 07:42
This is Some title goes here 07:42

Please login to access the syllabus.


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What makes Raspberry Pi Full Stack Courseunique?


The video online course is well-structured and comprehensive.


The topics are organized in proper sequence to enable the candidate understand them easily.


Easy to understand and implement in real life.


Sufficient pictures, tables, graphs have been provided to make this online Course more attractive to the readers.


Final certification exam conducted under surveillance of trained human proctor.


We will ship your hard copy anywhere you ask for.

  • time
    • Immediately after taking the test you can check your scores with detailed.
    • Immediately download soft copy certificate.
  • time
  • time
    • Online Video course by Highly qualified Trainers.
  • time
    • If you have any query our trainers are accessible easily.
    • Send your questions and get answers within 7 working days.
  • time
    • Final exam is proctored – you will be monitored throughout, this is done using our high-end Proctor software, so that you need not go to any special location but take it from your own PC.
    • This testing format matches world-class testing standards.
    • Certificate will mention wording proctored to prove the authenticity of your knowledge.
  • time
    • You can take any number of retakes if you are not satisfied with your score or failed to pass.
    • Test re-takes are paid, each retake is worth $ 50.
  • time
    • Earn high.
    • Brainmeasures certificates are honoured by employees worldwide.
    • Get desired position in your organization.

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Raspberry Pi Full Stack Course

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I am very happy with the guidance and help provided by experienced and helpful tutors from Brainmeasures and this video online course is very straightforward and explains all the topics in detail thereby enabling you to understand the subject and gain an in-depth knowledge about all the concepts of Six Sigma.

Ritika Sawhney

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