

Complete Data Scientist Certification Course

Course Fee : $ 19.99

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What is Data Science?

Data science is an interdisciplinary subject that uses scientific techniques, procedures, algorithms, and systems to extract information and insights from noisy, structured, and unstructured data, and then applies that knowledge and actionable insights across a wide range of application areas. Data mining, machine learning, and big data are all connected to data science.

Data science is defined as a "concept that unifies statistics, data analysis, informatics, and their associated approaches" in order to "understand and analyze actual phenomena" using data. It employs techniques and theories from a variety of disciplines, including mathematics, statistics, computer science, information science, and domain expertise. Data science, on the other hand, is distinct from computer science and information science. Data science, according to Turing Award recipient Jim Gray, is a "fourth paradigm" of science (empirical, theoretical, computational, and now data-driven), and "everything about research is changing because of the effect of information technology" and the data flood. A data scientist is someone who writes programming code and applies statistical expertise to extract insights from data.

William S. Cleveland is frequently credited with establishing data science as a distinct subject. In a 2001 study, he called for the growth of statistics beyond theory into technological fields, which would necessitate a new name because it would drastically alter the subject. In the following years, the term "data science" grew increasingly popular: in 2002, the Committee on Data for Science and Technology published Data Science Journal. Columbia University published The Journal of Data Science in 2003. The American Statistical Association's Section on Statistical Learning and Data Mining renamed itself the Section on Statistical Learning and Data Science in 2014, reflecting data science's growing prominence.


Who are data scientists?

Data scientists are a new breed of analytical data experts with the technical ability to tackle complicated issues as well as the desire to investigate what problems need to be solved.

They're a mix of mathematicians, computer scientists, and trend forecasters. They're also in high demand and well-paid because they work in both the business and IT sectors. Who wouldn't want to be one of these?

They are also a reflection of the times. Data scientists were not on many people's radars a decade ago, but their recent rise mirrors how organizations today approach large data. That enormous amount of unstructured data cannot be ignored or forgotten. It's a virtual gold mine that can help raise income - as long as someone delves in and discovers business insights that no one thought to search for previously. Here comes the data scientist.

A lot of data scientists started out as statisticians or data analysts. However, as big data (and big data storage and processing technologies like Hadoop) grew and expanded, so did those positions. Data is no longer an afterthought for IT to deal with. It's critical knowledge that necessitates analysis, creative curiosity, and the ability to translate high-tech concepts into new methods to make money.

The position of data scientist has academic roots as well. Universities began to notice a few years ago that businesses desired programmers and team players. Professors modified their curricula to accommodate this, and certain institutions, such as North Carolina State University's Institute for Advanced Analytics, prepared to produce the next generation of data scientists. More than 60 comparable programs are currently available at institutions around the country.

What are their jobs?

Detection of Fraud and Risk

Finance was one of the first industries to use data science. Every year, businesses were fed up with bad loans and losses. They did, however, have a lot of data that was obtained during the initial paperwork while granting loans. They decided to hire data scientists to help them recover from their losses.

Internet Search

This is most likely the first thing that comes to mind when you think about Data Science Applications.

When we think of search, we immediately think of Google. Right? However, there are other search engines, such as Yahoo, Bing, Ask, AOL, and others. All of these search engines (including Google) employ data science algorithms to offer the best possible result for our searched query in a matter of seconds. Given that Google handles more than 20 petabytes of data per day.

Google would not be the 'Google' we know today if data science did not exist.

Advertising with a specific target

If you thought Search was the most important data science application, think again: the full digital marketing spectrum. From display banners on various websites to digital billboards at airports, practically all of them are determined by data science algorithms. This is why digital ads have a far greater CTR (Call-Through Rate) than conventional commercials. They can be tailored to a user's previous behavior.

Recognizing Speech

Google Voice, Siri, and Cortana are a few of the greatest examples of voice recognition systems. Even if you are unable to type a message, your life will not be disrupted if you use the speech-recognition option. Simply speaking the message will turn into the text. However, you will notice that voice recognition does not always operate correctly.


Games are now designed using machine learning algorithms that improve/upgrade themselves as the player moves up to a higher level. In motion gaming also, your opponent (computer) analyzes your previous moves and accordingly shapes up its game. EA Sports, Zynga, Sony, Nintendo, and Activision-Blizzard have led the gaming experience to the next level using data science.


Why Brainmeasures?

Brainmeasures is an ISO-certified company that offers you high-end certification courses and many other services to boost your career. We hire experienced and qualified experts to create in-depth and prominent content courses to train our learners whether they are amateurs or have some experience in the field. We provide the best courses to offer you top-notch skills with a broad scope.

All of the services provided by Brainmeasures are offered at a very minimal and reasonable price. We also provide considerable discounts on various skills and courses to make them affordable for everyone.

At Brainmeasures, You will be provided with high-end courses after which you can get a hard copy certificate. You only have to clear a test and you will get a certificate that assures you a bright future by securing your job. You will be hired by great companies in no time.

Brainmeasures offers recorded interactive lessons that are difficult to come by elsewhere. The kinds are expert-led, and previous students have expressed their gratitude for them

You may also pick a domain specialty of your choice at this online learning platform, as well as a subject and study under the sector you wish to work in. In the future, this will also help you to think clearly about your future. Unfortunately, most online learning platforms do not provide domain electives except Brainmeasures.

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Course Syllabus

Getting Started 11 lectures 17 mins
Introduction Preview 01:42
Welcome guide document 10 Pages
Some title goes here Preview 07:42
Some title goes here Preview 01:42
Welcome guide document 10 Pages
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Hello Some title goes here 07:42
This is Some title goes here 07:42
Some title goes here Preview 01:42
Welcome guide document 10 Pages
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2 Some title goes here 07:42
Hello Some title goes here 07:42
This is Some title goes here 07:42
Some title goes here Preview 01:42
Welcome guide document 10 Pages
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Hello Some title goes here 07:42
This is Some title goes here 07:42
Some title goes here Preview 01:42
Welcome guide document 10 Pages
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Hello Some title goes here 07:42
This is Some title goes here 07:42
Some title goes here Preview 01:42
Welcome guide document 10 Pages
Some title goes here 07:42
2 Some title goes here 07:42
Hello Some title goes here 07:42
This is Some title goes here 07:42

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I am very happy with the guidance and help provided by experienced and helpful tutors from Brainmeasures and this video online course is very straightforward and explains all the topics in detail thereby enabling you to understand the subject and gain an in-depth knowledge about all the concepts of Six Sigma.

Ritika Sawhney

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