

IT Security I Ethical Hacking Course I Training I Certification

Course Fee : $ 19.99

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Brainmeasures IT Security Ethical Hacking Course

The IT security scene is ever-evolving and there’s an increased demand for trained professionals to protect organizations against cyber-attacks. If you want to become a part of this vital field, having the proper certification or training would be beneficial. For those interested in getting their hands dirty with good old ethical hacking, Brainmeasures' ethical hacking course and certification program is detailed, in-depth, and has knowledge of the subject. Enroll in this course to become a certified professional.

What you will learn?

Ethical Hacking

Penetration Testing

Risk Management

Disaster Recovery

Vulnerability Assessment

Physical Security

Power Supply and Protection


Scanning Networks

Post Scanning

Banner Grabbing


Linux Fundamentals

System hacking

Spyware and key loggers



Viruses and Sniffers

Social engineering

Session hijacking

SQL Injections and a lot more.

What is IT Security?

IT security, also known as information technology security, is the practice of protecting computers, networks, and data from unauthorized access. It means ensuring that only authorized users are able to view sensitive or confidential data and can prevent loss or damage due to malicious intent using measures such as encryption, firewalls, antivirus software, and authentication protocols. Additionally, it involves regularly auditing systems for potential vulnerabilities so they can be identified quickly when discovered by hackers in order to protect important assets from cybercrime attacks.

What is Ethical Hacking?

Ethical hacking is the practice of breaking into computer systems or networks to test their security and identify any vulnerabilities. The goal of ethical hacking is not to cause damage, but rather to help organizations develop a stronger security system by finding weak points in the system that can be exploited by malicious hackers. Additionally, ethical hackers are required to obey certain laws and regulations when penetrating a network as set forth by governing bodies such as law enforcement agencies.

Why are Ethical Hacking and IT security Professionals in high demand?

The demand for ethical hacking and IT security professionals is high because cyber attacks have become more sophisticated and common in recent years. As a result, organizations need highly skilled experts to protect their data from malicious actors and to ensure compliance with various cybersecurity standards. Ethical hackers can also be invaluable when it comes to identifying potential vulnerabilities within an organization's systems before attackers exploit them. By employing the skills of qualified ethical hackers, companies are able to stay ahead of any emerging digital threats while upholding the highest industry standards when it comes to securing confidential information.

Organizations now require individuals who can use ethical hacking techniques to identify potential vulnerabilities before malicious actors do so they can secure them effectively. Additionally, there is also an increased focus on understanding how a hacker thinks and works which requires expertise that only IT security professionals possess. Therefore, having ethical hacking and IT security professionals on hand ensures businesses stay one step ahead of any cyber attack attempts, making them invaluable for any organization today.

Job Opportunities for certified ethical hackers and IT security experts

There are numerous job opportunities available for certified ethical hackers and IT security experts. These roles require a high degree of technical expertise but can be very rewarding in terms of compensation, as these professionals are often highly sought after by organizations that need to ensure the safety of their data. Potential places to find jobs include online recruiting sites like Indeed or Monster, cybersecurity companies such as FireEye or Check Point Security Solutions, and IT staffing agencies that specialize in finding positions for people with experience in networking and cybersecurity. Networking is also a great way to connect with potential employers; attending conferences related to the industry may help establish valuable contacts within the field.

There are numerous job opportunities available for certified ethical hackers and IT security experts. Companies need skilled professionals to help protect their digital assets; a Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) or an Information Technology Security Expert (ITSE) can provide the necessary expertise in this area. Some of these roles include Penetration testers, Network Administrators/Security analysts, Cybersecurity Consultants, Chief Security Officers, Digital Forensics Examiners, and Incident Response Managers. These jobs typically require knowledge of tools used by cybersecurity teams such as firewalls, antivirus software, and intrusion detection systems. They also demand strong analytical skills so that any potential breaches can be identified quickly and recommendations on how to fix the vulnerabilities can be made accurately.

Expected Salary

The expected salary of certified ethical hackers and IT security experts varies depending on their experience, certification level, industry sector, and location. According to PayScale estimates in 2023, the average annual earning for an ethical hacker with an entry-level background is $53K per year, while a senior professional could make up to $132K annually. Those who have acquired advanced certifications such as Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) or Global Information Assurance Certification (GIAC), can expect higher salaries ranging from $80K - 120 K per annum.

Brainmeasures is an online certification provider that offers a comprehensive information technology security and ethical hacking course. The course will provide you with the essential knowledge and tools needed to be an effective IT Security Specialist or Ethical Hacker. It begins by introducing basic concepts of cybersecurity, such as passwords, malware protection, network security measures, data encryption techniques, and more. You'll also learn about defensive strategies used in today's cyber-world against hackers' attacks including applying application layers for defending UNIX systems from probes using vulnerability assessment programs (VAPs). After fully understanding these concepts, it continues into advanced topics such as network penetration testing, digital forensics investigations from storage media, and securing wireless communication protocols.


Course Syllabus

Getting Started 11 lectures 17 mins
Introduction Preview 01:42
Welcome guide document 10 Pages
Some title goes here Preview 07:42
Some title goes here Preview 01:42
Welcome guide document 10 Pages
Some title goes here 07:42
2 Some title goes here 07:42
Hello Some title goes here 07:42
This is Some title goes here 07:42
Some title goes here Preview 01:42
Welcome guide document 10 Pages
Some title goes here 07:42
2 Some title goes here 07:42
Hello Some title goes here 07:42
This is Some title goes here 07:42
Some title goes here Preview 01:42
Welcome guide document 10 Pages
Some title goes here 07:42
2 Some title goes here 07:42
Hello Some title goes here 07:42
This is Some title goes here 07:42
Some title goes here Preview 01:42
Welcome guide document 10 Pages
Some title goes here 07:42
2 Some title goes here 07:42
Hello Some title goes here 07:42
This is Some title goes here 07:42
Some title goes here Preview 01:42
Welcome guide document 10 Pages
Some title goes here 07:42
2 Some title goes here 07:42
Hello Some title goes here 07:42
This is Some title goes here 07:42

Please login to access the syllabus.


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What makes IT Security I Ethical Hacking Course I Training I Certificationunique?


The video online course is well-structured and comprehensive.


The topics are organized in proper sequence to enable the candidate understand them easily.


Easy to understand and implement in real life.


Sufficient pictures, tables, graphs have been provided to make this online Course more attractive to the readers.


Final certification exam conducted under surveillance of trained human proctor.


We will ship your hard copy anywhere you ask for.

  • time
    • Immediately after taking the test you can check your scores with detailed.
    • Immediately download soft copy certificate.
  • time
    • ENROLL FOR IT Security I Ethical Hacking Course I Training I Certification - VIDEO COURSE AND CERTIFICATION PROGRAM
  • time
    • Online Video course by Highly qualified Trainers.
  • time
    • If you have any query our trainers are accessible easily.
    • Send your questions and get answers within 7 working days.
  • time
    • Final exam is proctored – you will be monitored throughout, this is done using our high-end Proctor software, so that you need not go to any special location but take it from your own PC.
    • This testing format matches world-class testing standards.
    • Certificate will mention wording proctored to prove the authenticity of your knowledge.
  • time
    • You can take any number of retakes if you are not satisfied with your score or failed to pass.
    • Test re-takes are paid, each retake is worth $ 50.
  • time
    • Earn high.
    • Brainmeasures certificates are honoured by employees worldwide.
    • Get desired position in your organization.

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IT Security I Ethical Hacking Course I Training I Certification

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Reviews ( click here to Read all )

I am very happy with the guidance and help provided by experienced and helpful tutors from Brainmeasures and this video online course is very straightforward and explains all the topics in detail thereby enabling you to understand the subject and gain an in-depth knowledge about all the concepts of Six Sigma.

Ritika Sawhney

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